1 | Rememberance

259 7 3

Ryan's POV


I groan, flipping over to shut the alarm clock off, trudging to get out of bed. I had a horrible nightmare that was always true. Going to be bathroom I quickly went to the toilet and then brushed my teeth. Staring at myself in the mirror made me think of how I resembled my mom. A silent tear slipped down which made me shake my head to not get upset.

Walking into the kitchen with my pajamas I noticed that there was a plate of breakfast waiting for me on the table.

"Hi kiddo" a voice said from the side of me. I look and my lips curled into a small smile.

"Hi Uncle Phil" I say and sat down to eat. He then joined me and we both are in silence. "Did dad go into work early?" I ask knowing the question. Of all the days, today was the day where he would drop off the grid and not return for the week. I don't blame him.

"He had some extra work to take care of back at the base" Phil says softly. He understand my pain and dad's since he was close with us.

"I'm going to a party tonight. Tell Clint that I'll meet him tomorrow for a debrief about the mission tomorrow" I say wiping my mouth. Phil's fork clattered with his plate, making me gaze up at him.

"You're not going to a party" he sternly says. I gave him a blank look.

"I'm going to the party" I snapped. I started to turn one of strand of hair to play with it. Phil lets out a long sigh and rubs his face.

"You're dad wouldn't want-" he said but I cut him off.

"My dad is never here to give a shit" I deadpanned. I glared at my plate.

"He cares." He replies.

"Sometimes. He only cares if I'm improving or if I get a guy or something, but we both know what today is! Phil I'm not asking" I say clenching my jaw. I could feel myself getting built up with anger.

"You better call when you reach your limit young lady" he says giving me a hard glare. Phil was the only guy that really looked after me since their death, which I was grateful but I did also have Tony.

"I will" I tell him and get up. "Thanks for breakfast. I should be heading to school" I say and kisses his cheek.

"Do you want me to take you in Lola?" He asks while I get on my backpack. I stop and think.

"Sure" and we both left.

"Try to have a good day kiddo, I know what today is but you just have to push past it, we all miss them Ryan, but you can't let them get to you" Phil tells me once we got in front of my school. I could feel tears starting to form.

"I know. Thanks Uncle Phil... tell Maria and dad I said hi" I tell him and he flushed. I got out and watched him drive away in Lola. My smile soon dropped once he got out of view and walked the opposite direction.

One thing I learned over the past three years is who to trust. I also learned many things dad was into which made a naive girl not so naive. Dad got bitter towards everyone, even his closest friends.

I'll come back for her Nick. Hydra wants that piece!

That was the last thing I remember Charlie say before I blacked out after being conscious. I screamed when I woke up on the SHIELDS hospital bed wanting to see mom when dad walked in with tears and a patch over his left eye. I soon knew that at that very moment everything changed.

Getting off the bus, I walked the six blocks to get to where I needed to go. Passing people walk as they went to go to work, I felt bitter inside. Dad didn't want me to find him, but I was going to do that. Get justice.

Walking through the fence, I saw many grave stones. It was peacefully quiet as I made my way towards the ones I wanted to go.

Michelle Gaea Fury

Mikel Jake Fury

A tear slipped down as I read their beautiful grave names and the details on it. I missed them a lot. I looked up to the sky praying the gods would take my pain away.

"Hi mom... hi baba" my voice cracked. The wind blew my hair making me shiver. I could feel them beside me. "Today was the day you were killed." I say digging my boot heel in the grass to crouch. "And everyday I miss you more. Dad isn't doing to well lately. He hardly speaks to me like he used to. You were everything to us and we got that taken from us. There's not a single day that I hunt for the bastard who did this. I love you mama... I love you baba; you were to young to have your life taken away, God" I say with a loud sob. My hands went to my face as I got up.

"I fucking miss you guys and it hurts so much" I stood crying. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket a moment later. "Hello?" I say lowly so it doesn't sound like I was crying.

"Hey girl! Where are you? I haven't seen you?!" Ambers voice came out loudly. I sniffled.

"I'm... I'm not going to be there today." I say solemnly. Amber had gone quiet.

"I'm so sorry, I was insensitive" Amber spoke softly.

"No it's alright. I'll be there at the party at six, by babe" I said. I didn't wait for her answer and hung up. I stared at the two grave stones and sat down. "I have so much to tell you guys from the last time I came here." I tell them and went on with the stories and what I was doing at SHIELD.

Hours later, I was finally leaving the cemetery and was headed home. I wore sweats today with a grey sweat shirt which didn't seem like a party attire. After getting off the bus I walked the way home. It was about three in the afternoon so I had some time to spare.

"JARVIS, could you call Clint for me?" I ask once I stepped through the door.

"Right away Miss Ryan" he replies back in his thick British accent. Tony had let me use JARVIS after I hacked into STARK Tower and we became friends. Plus, he was like a second uncle and he wanted me safe.

"Barton" Clint's voice rang through the apartment.

"Hey Clint, Coulson said you wanted to debrief for tomorrow? I was thinking if you can come over and do it now. I think I'll be tired tomorrow morning" I say walking to the kitchen to get me a glass of ice water.

"Sure kid. I'll be over in a half am hour" he responds and hangs up. I pursed my lips and begun to to into my hidden closet behind a bookshelf.

"Finger print confirmed"

Waiting for the bookcase to open, it soon reviewed my hidden room. Inside of it was white with high tech computers that I can access anything with. I cracked my knuckles and tied curly loose hair into a ponytail.

"Let's find this son of a bitch" I say and typed away.

After half an hour my phone buzzed with a text from Clint that he was outside. I look at the screen with irritation, because the trace I had goon was going slow. Getting up I proceeded to leave. But once I stepped foot out an alarm went off finding a location.

"Huh?" I said to myself as I snapped my head back, my eyes going rapid. And right then and there I had found his current location.

Agent Ryan Fury (SHIELD + ASGARD + Iron Man) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now