3 | Black Widow

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***NOTE: The year is 2009 and Natasha is 20 years old.

Clint's POV

I stood having a neutral face while standing next to the Director. He was tracking Ryan's cell phone after I told him that I followed her to the airport leaving the country.

"Agent Warren, want to tell me why you're in Sokovia?" Furys voice boomed with authority. I stood with my arms crossed with worry. Today was the worst day for her. Exchanging a few words with her, Fury slammed the phone off. "Agent Barton, prepare to leave. This mission is a high priority" Fury tells me with his one eye.

"Yes sir" I reply and walked away. "Agent Barton to Agent Hill, do you copy?" I spoke turning on the comm.

"Agent Hill to Agent Barton, I copy" she soon replies. Walking to where she was in the weapons area, I was going to get my arrows.

"I'm in take off. Get my bow and arrows" o told her.

"They're already ready for you, Hawkeye" I smirk walking down the hall way. Time to get to business.

Ryan's POV

Setting foot on the platform to get off, I quickly walked the miles to get to where I needed to go to meet Clint. Most people would take a car or a taxi, but me, no. I liked to walk every where I go, it would help me for a dangerous mission some day; plus I'd like to see the scenery and remember all the good times.

Smiling I walked past a barn that held many horses in the back. The scenery here at Russia was very beautiful. Having my hair in a high ponytail, I grabbed it and started to put it in a decent bun.

Sighing, three more hours went by and I finally got to the safe house. When I got there, three black SUVs where parked in the driveway.

"You're late" a voice states as I got to the door. Turning my head to the left, I saw Clint sitting on a white bench in front of the house.

Joining him, I stare ahead of me. "Two hours before initiating the mission" I tell him. I can feel his gaze in me. "I am not late" I continue. I could feel a little under pressure at the state he was giving me. He was trying to figure out why I was not here before him.

"Let's go" he says getting up. Following him in, he through a mission suit at me. "Fury made you a new one" he says and walks in the kitchen. I nod leaving to go to the bathroom.

The safe house was an old wood shack house that was decent looking inside. This was the safe house for SHIELD agents that had missions in Russia. Grabbing the suit, I quickly put it on. Feeling the suit tight around my curves made me feel more comfortable. I looked sexy in it. The suit was purple mixed in black, having to the SHIELD logo that was dark blue on my breast chest area, I ran my fingers through it. The print felt smooth and slick unlike the suit that was a spandex texture. Moving on, I put my belt on. I felt inside the pockets to put my phone in when I felt a piece of paper.

This was your mom's when she begun as an agent. It will now be yours. She would be very proud of you today Ryan. Be safe.
- Maria H.

A tear slipped down from my cheek. I smiled and crumpled up the paper. I felt more connected to my mom than before. Dad would never talk about her anymore especially not how they met. He was always secretive about her which made me disappointed.

"Ready kid?" Clint asked standing in the doorway looking at me.

"Let's catch ourselves a Black Widow" I say smirking at my puny joke.

Agent Ryan Fury (SHIELD + ASGARD + Iron Man) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now