6 | Strike Team: delta

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Nick's POV

I stare at the screen in worry. I did not want Ryan near Budapest but I was sure that he wasn't in that area. I stood next to Maria looking at the screen when all comms went down.

"Can you get them back?" I asked an agent at the computers. He was quick to type but then shook his head.

"No sir." I sighed.

"Sir, she won't find out. He's long gone now." Maria whispers to me. She was a close friend to my late wife and she was always my trusted friend who would not betray me.

"Do you think they make a great team?" I ask her forming plans in my head.

"You know I do sir. I think that if we get Romanoff on our side. It's through those two." She says as she pulls up each of their files on the screen.

"She'll need more trust." I spoke to her. I would be nice to this woman, because I know she'll have the power to take us down if she got the chance.

"Sir, you're not?..." She trails off. I nod my head.

"If you want them to trust you first, you have to go lengths to get it. Warren and Barton got her trust that I can see once they saved her, but now it's our turn." I say pulling up Her profile. I continue to click through her file.

"We're in the wrong business for making fiends sir." Her words laced with sadness. I look down with my good eye.

"I'm not planning to make a friend Agent Hill, I'm planning to make an ally." I reply and dropped the pointer. "Tell me when they get back." I command and walk out towards my office.

"Agent Hill to Director, do you copy?" Hill's voice rang out a couple of hours later. I look up from the papers from my desk and press the ear piece.

"I copy Agent Hill, what's their status?" I ask.

"They are on the runway sir." She replied. I put the comm on mute on my end and stood up. I walk out of my office requesting the main floor.

"Seems like you guys had a party." I heard Maria laugh once I got closer to the group. I saw that Barton and Romanoff look beaten up s but, but once I laid eyes on my daughter, I wanted to cry. Holding my emotions still I walk up to them.

"Agents." I sternly say. All of them stopped talking to one another and looked at me. "Status update?" I ask scanning all of them. My eyes landed on Ryan as she hugs herself with her one arm. She had a bruised up face with a GSW to the shoulder.

"We didn't find who as behind the machines sir, but we destroyed all of them." Barton spoke but I only paid attention to Ryan. She wasn't looking at me, instead she looked at the ground.

"Good to bear. All of you report back to the end area and get fixed up. Warren, may I see you in my office?" I ask. All of them stared at us.

"Yes sir." She replies. I nod and walk away to my office once more. I want to know what went down on that mission.

Ryan's POV

My eyes tailed after dad as he left to go to his office. I was a total wreck about what I found out and I know he'll question me. I took one last look at Maria, Clint and Nat before following his trail. Walking down the corridor, I got many stares from passing agents. I got annoyed.

I got the the glass elevators, requesting to go to level 100. I was in the elevator for a while, but as soon as it hit the floor, I walked over to dad's office. I saw his grey door, knocking to see if it was okay to come in.

Agent Ryan Fury (SHIELD + ASGARD + Iron Man) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now