4 | Hello, Natasha Romanoff

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Natalia / Natasha's POV

I watched as the young girl limps away from this Hawkeye and me. I turn to stare at him as he too watched.

"Let's go" he nods and walks to the black SUV. I stood behind taking in the dead Black Widows around me. Arrows in each fifty girls. I sighed feeling free for the first time.

For the past twenty years of my life was kill or be killed which scared me. I became the best assassin than anyone ever to step foot in this program besides my teacher.

"You can trust me you know" Hawkeye says. I glance at him as we drove to where the plane was. I bit my lip.

"I've never trust anyone besides myself. I learned that when I was a young girl" I tell him trying to make an English accent. He smiles.

"Well, consider your first trustee right here. The names Clint Barton" he says. I nod my head. "Back there was my partner, Ryan Warren. In time she'll come around. She's all guarded, but once you get on her soft side she's a isn't baby" he says chuckling. I have a half smile. She did look like a reserved person.

"I guess you know my name then. That's how you found me" I say a moment later. We had been ok the road for a good hour now.

"I do. It's my job to know" he cockily says. I roll my eyes.

"Will this Director be okay with what you decided today?" I ask. I didn't know who his director was, I've never heard of SHIELD until now. Madam made us remember other important organizations.

"Not at first," he honestly says. I turn to look at him with an arched brow. "But he soon will. He got trust issues" he shrugs.

"Don't we all in this kind of work?" I ask him. He shrugs again. Nobody said a word.

Ryan's POV

I cringed at the loudness of dad's voice as he gave Clint and I both lectures with Natalia standing behind us with Phil. Dad was pretty angry that we didn't follow a direct order.

"And what do you have to say Agent Warren?" Dad brought the attention to me. I look up at him with my suit still on. He expected more.

"I think that Agent Barton and I made a good decision" I finally said once he got done barking at Barton. Clint didn't say anything. Dad gave me an angry look. "Ms. Romanova is a valuable asset to SHIELD and it would be highly Be an advantage towards our enemies. She is highly trained in many arts, speaks variety languages and will be a great agent under someone's wing. Plus, she can do training lessons, sir" I say with authority. Dad looked a little shock, because the time I've been here, I would rarely speak and just do the job since he was my commanding officer.

No one said a word as dad was thinking his options. He turned and paced around us. Clint caught my eye and made a wink. I gave him a small smile.

"Agent Warren, I've considered your suggestion and I think it would be good to bring in someone with her talents" dad says. I open my mouth. "Ms. Romanova, please step up besides Agent Barton" dad commands. Natalia stopped besides Clint looking in front of her to stare at dad. "You will be part of SHIELD which requires you to follow under our rules and follow your commanding officer Agent Barton. He will be responsible for you, is that understood Barton?" Dad asks looking at Clint.

Clint clears his throat, "yes sir" he says sounding a little shock but happy.

"And you Agent Warren will train her also" dad ends. I whipped my head to him.

"You mean like all of us partners?" I ask with surprise. Sure, I liked Natalia but she nearly killed me. He gave me his famous glares which made me back away. "Yes sir" I say looking down.

"For you Miss Romanova, you need a way to be under Thor radar. Would you like to change your name?" He asks her.

"Yes sir, call me Natasha. Natasha Romanoff" she replies. Dad nods and waves his hand.

"Time to get you properly trained," he tells her. He looks at Clint and I. "Barton, Warren, dismissed" walking away, 'Natasha' walked behind us.

"I'll show you to your room for the time being" I say over my shoulder. We walked through the helicarrier to the upper levels. "This will be your room. It's a bit small but you will only be in here for sleeping. My room is just down the hall. Clint's is on the male's floor, any questions so far?" I ask looking at her. She shakes her head and we all move to the cafeteria.

"This is where you will eat when you get a break" Clint spoke. The room was filled with agents, some where watching us. "You'll get used to it" he shrugs.

"I'll set up the weapons room to train with her" I tell Clint before he could walk. He looks at me and to Natasha.

"Alright, I'll show her later after the tour" he responds and keeps rambling on. He really did like Natasha. Moving forward, I felt a hand grip my Forearm.

I grew tense and stared in shock at Natasha ready for another fight but relaxed a little when her face showed remorse. "Thank you Agent Warren. If you didn't convince your director, I wouldn't be here. I'm sorry for beating the crap out of you" she tells me. Clint wasn't near us.

I sigh pulling my arm away, "it's okay. I guess I hardly know you and I let myself get the. Eat of me. Truth is my head wasn't in the game so my guard was down. You had a mission and you did it to survive. No need to apologize Natasha. Besides, I'll get my fair shares later on" I tell her with a smirk.

"For a person who is young, you can hold your own. I respect that," she replies with a similar smirk on her face. We stared at each other before Clint came running in.

"Uh, did I interrupt a potential fight?" Clint asked amused. We both roll our eyes and went our separate ways.

I feel like we'll be great friends.

Agent Ryan Fury (SHIELD + ASGARD + Iron Man) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now