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Alexis was painting Kate's right hand, Martha the left one and Lanie was working on the makeup.

"I finished your nails"Alexis said.

"Me too" Her future Mother-in-law added.

"So did I" Lanie stated smiling at her best friend that was about to get married.

Martha took Beckett's hand and put her in front of the mirror.

"You look stunning" Alexis told Beckett and then hugged her tightly.

When they broke the hug Kate saw a couple of tears on on Alexis cheek, so she asked:

"What's wrong Alexis? why are you crying?"

"Just a little emotional, my dad is getting married again and I hope this one lasts " Alexis answered wiping the couple of tears on her cheeks.

"Martha,Lanie can I have a moment alone with her please?" Beckett asked the other girls in the room.

"Sure" they both said while exiting the room.

"You know, since you moved in to our apartment, you became so part of our lives in a way that no one ever did, and it changed the way that I saw you, at first I thought that this would be just one more marriage for my dad, but its to strong to be JUST another marriage, and now, that you've been living with us for almost two years already, you became like a second mother to me... I'm so sorry, this must sound so cheesy coming from me" Alexis said ending her explanation with an ironic laugh.

"No, not at at all, believe it or not I can be just as much cheesy as you just were now, its part of being an women. And by the way, I'm really honoured that you see me as a part of the family too, when I first started dating your dad you were my biggest fear, I was so afraid you wouldn't like me" Beckett admitted looking through the redhead's eyes.

"You were always part of the family, even before you started dating my dad, I always knew, deep inside, that there was something different about my dad after he met you, I knew your story would be a long one. I'm happy to be your step-daughter" Alexis ended with a shy smile.

"That means a lot to me Alexis" Kate hugged Alexis and they both felt so comfortable in each others arms. Beckett was just so relieved to her that from her, she still had her doubts, but not anymore.

Music started playing and there was a knock on the door, Beckett knew it was time.

"Your mom would be so proud of you" Jim told her "You look amazing Katie. Are you ready?" He then asked making a gesture for her to join his arm with hers.

Beckett looked at Alexis and the redhead smiled and gave her a look meaning "you can do it".

When the doors opened she saw Castle so far from her, and when they started walking, it felt like forever to reach his side.

Castle POV

When the doors opened, I saw the most amazing woman in the universe, she was so far from me, when they started walking, it took her so long to reach me, but when she finally did, I could hear her heart, it was racing really fast, just like mine, then the priest started talking.

"Do you, Katherine Houghton Beckett accept Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle as your husband?"

"I do" she said firmly.

"And do you, Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle accept Katherine Houghton Beckett as your wife?"

"I do" he said as firmly as her.

They placed the alliance on each others hand, kissed and then priest announced:

"Mr. and Mrs. Castle"

Later that night when the party finished, Mr and Mrs Castle were packing their things to the honeymoon, they're going to visit Portugal for two weeks.

A/ N: I think you liked this chapter, for the honey moon I choose Portugal, because as you know I'm from there so it will be easier for me to describe my own country. Please vote and comment if you like I'll update soon


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