Finally Marrying

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(Beckett's POV)

I was in my Hamptons room with Lanie, Martha and Alexis, I was already with my dress on, not the one Matilda gave me, the night before my dad came to me nd gave the box where my mother's dress was packed, I couldn't believe I was using my own mother's wedding dress

"I can't believe we're minutes away to the alter" I said

"Are you nervous?" Alexis asked

"A little bit to be honest" I answer

"Can I have a moment alone with her please?" Lanie asked Alexis and Martha

"Sure, I actualy need to go to my dad's room" Alexis answer with her sweet voice

"thank's" said Lanie

Martha and Alexis exited the room and closed the door

"What is it Lanie?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm really happy for you two, I remembered that day you went to the morgue and started caling Castle egotistical and thing like that, and now you're about to get married and live happely ever after"

"Ya you were always right, you were the one pushing me to tell him how I felt, I just wish that I had listen to you..." she cutted me

"Hey girl, no regrets, you are happy now and thats what matter, you'll never be hppy if you continue thinking about your past, just think about you're future and in your new family, Castle and you had a great run, annnd you look amazing in that dress" She said hugging me, but that hug was cutted by a knock on the door:

"May I?" My dad asked "We gotta go Katie"

Lanie exited first after mines and my dad's arm were together and we were already walking down the aisle; I remembered to see everything in slowmotion, the music playing, everyone looking at me andI seemed a forever to get next to the person standing in the altar, even the guards outside were getting emotional with this day (we had guards in case of anything went wrong and they weren't letting no one in besides the people in they're list

When I finally reached Castle's side I could smell his perfume, he looked even more handsome in that tu

(Castle's POV)

She was finally next to me, in her beautiful white dress, I could feel how nervous she was, so I gave her my hand to calm her down, about me, well it was the third time I was getting married, but this was the only time I felt so nervous, I suppost that'sa good signal, a signal  saying that Beckett is the one, as she used to say "Third times a charm"

"We're all here together, to the union of Richard Castle and Katherine Beckett,before we start is here anyone else who want to speak? No so lets start the ceremony

After with the priest talking, and Beckett and I exchanging thousands of looks, he finally asked

"Do you Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle accept Katherine Houghton Beckett as you wife?"

"I do"

"And do you Katherine Houghton Beckett accept Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle as your husband?"

"I do"

"You're now Katherine and Richard Castle. you may now kiss your wife"

That kiss was the most special one for both, passionaly, slow, from the heart and the longest one with everyone behind them aplausing and screaming 

When they finally broke the kiss, they went to the dance floor to their first dance as a couple

Everyone was waiting for the music for start playing, everyone was around them to watch them dancing

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