Leaving NY

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The next morning

"Have you seen my red bikini, Castle?" Beckett asked.

"I think you've already packed it"

"Castle, I think its time for us to go or we'll lose the flight"

Martha and Alexis were going to take them to the airport, and when their honeymoon was over, the too ladies would fly to Portugal and then they'd all fly together to the Philippines.

"Are you guys ready?" Martha questioned.

"Yes we are. Where's Alexis? is she coming?" Beckett asked.

"I'm here mom, and yes I'm going" Alexis said with a proud smile as she made her way to them.

"Wait...wait...wait! Alexis did you just said mom?!?!" Castle asked not really knowing if he had just heard that.

"Yes" Alexis said and then she looked at Kate and they both started laughing.

"Ok now I'm confused, what's happening between the two of you?" Castle asked curious.

"And I'm confused too, Alexis you have some explaining to do later" Martha snapped.

"And we'll talk about this later, Beckett" Castle tried to boss for a moment but Beckett sent him one of her famous looks.

"Well Castle, you forgot that now I'm Mrs. Castle!" she added smiling proud of her new name.

"You'll always be Beckett"

Her phone rang as Castle ended his sentence.

"Beckett" she answered without looking at the ID caller

"Is this Mrs.Castle?" a familiar voice asked.

"Who is this?"

"Yo Beckett is us, Ryan and Espo, we just wanted to wish you two a romantic honeymoon" They both said laughing

"Ok, thank you guys,but now we have to go. see you in 4 weeks"

"4 weeks?" Ryan asked

"Yes we're going two weeks in our honeymoon and then me, Castle, Martha and Alexis we'll go to the Philippines another 2 weeks"

"oh ok, have fun!"

"Thanks" And they hang up.

At the airport

"See you in two weeks, have fun mom and dad" Alexis said as she hugged Castle and then Beckett.

"Yeah, have fun" Martha said.

When Alexis calls Kate mom, both Beckett and Castle smile at the sound of it, now they really were a family.

A/N This is my 2nd update today, and probably I'll have a third one, I'll spend all day writting cause today I don't have school 

Hope you like

thx 4 all who are reading my fanfic, once again please vote or comment


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