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That night Kate couldn't stop thinking about telling her dad the news, the baby, and her mother's case. As the plane will arrive at midday they have planned to invite Jim to lunch in their loft to tell him the news.

Kate was tired, she felt asleep with her head in Castle's lap while they were watching TV, Rick took her to the bed and fall asleep admiring her

In the next morning

They woke up with Beckett's alarm playing, it was 7am, but they still need to go to the supermarket, they have nothing to eat at the fridge, and now that they have a pregnant women at home, they'll need lots of food!

When they got home, they had lots of things, even more then in thanksgiven, but this time was Castle the one carry everything, Beckett wanted to help but Castle didn't let her, that week when she needed to stay in bed, the doctor said she couldn't carry weighs, and Castle took that really serious. And when Beckett get 5 months pregnant she's not going to be able to work, she'll have to go to tbe paper work.

They were putting the things in the place, Kate went to the bathroom, this time not to throw up, when she was coming out of the toilet, she heard a girly scream comming from the kitchen, she took her gun and went to help whoever was screaming, Castle has saw a bug, Kate couldn't keep laughing, Rick sounds like a girl screaming.

Then they both heard the door opening and they saw alexis

"hi dad, hi mom" she said looking at kate's hand and seing her gun and her funny face

"what's wrong?" Alexis asked

Beckett laugh again, took a deep breath and answer her

"Your dad saw a bug and he started screaming like a girl"

"Richard Castle, what do you say in your defense?" Alexis asked looking at his father

"the bug was really big!" he said and both girls start laughing

The door open again but this time was Martha, she asked them why were they laughing, and Beckett explained all again

"I'm going to take a quick shower" Beckett said

"And I'm going with you" Castle said

"no you're not, someone needs to start cooking the lunch"

"I'll cook" Alexis said

"No swettie, it's fine your dad cooks, he need to pratice" Kate said

"hey, you can't protest Beckett, I am a really good cooker"

"ok that's true, but your daughter is tired, you should cook"

"Im tired too I saw a big bug" Castle said and all the ladys started laughing

"seriously, Castle? That's not an excuse, now shut up and go cook yhe lunch, kitten" Beckett said and Castle melt when she call him Kitten

"Ok I'll cook the dinner and no discussions" Martha said "And now go take your shower Katherine"

Beckett went to the bathroom running cause she know Castle was right behind her, she close the door But Castle open it, when he got her he start doing her tickles and kissing her neck.

After they have take the shower, they dressed up and took their way to the airport. Beckett was with a coat that when you look at her you can't tell she was pregnant.

In the airport they wait around ten minutes and then they saw Beckett's dad coming in their direction

Kate run to her dad and hugged him

"How are you katie?" he asked

"I've never been better" she said smiling

"You have something diferent" Jim noticed

"Hi Jim" Castle said giving him a handshake

"Let's go?" Castle asked

At home Alexis and Beckett greeted Jim and start the lunch made by Martha

"the food it's amazing" jim said "who's the cooker?"

"Me" Martha answer

"Well looks like the actors have more than one quality" Jim said smiling

Castle and Beckett looked at each other and laugh cause they both remenbered that night when their parents couldn't stand each other, and then later, they were being so adorable with each other in the precint.

"Dad, Castle and I have something to tell you"

"you're getting the divorce?" jim asked joking

"no, not yet" castle answer also joking, kate laugh and kissed him

"the first one is, mom's murder is over dad, they're all in jail, it's over" Beckett said

Jim stand up and go hugg her daughter in the other side of the table, he was start crying, his wife murder was an important thing to him, he made Beckett cry too.

"ok dad, let's not get emotional, we have another thing to tell you"

"dad, I'm pregnant"

"katie, that's fantastic, you didn't look pregnant, how far are you?"

"2 months" she stand up take off her jacket and then her dad and everyone else could see her belly, it was already growing. Castle felt something in his heart, he felt a feeling that he can't describe, but his instinct was telling him to get near to kate, so he also stand up and hugged her for about 5 minutes, she felt love in that hugg and she gave him that love back, in that moment she didn't want anything more, she wanted to stay there hugging him for a long time!

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