Who's Greg Bracken?

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After the news about 3XK, Beckett was confused, she thought this case was about her past, and now Jerry tyson is in it, maybe she was wrong, mybe this case it't just about 3XK.
It was weird, Tyson mever leaves traces, and now Kelly's body is found full of his finger prints, that meant one thing, he wanna to be found, so there's need to be something else in the body that can show them where he was

Beckett's phone rang

"Hey Castle, Lanie got something for us" "hey you're coming?" ahe asked when she realized he was in deep thoughts

"Im going" Castle said jumping of the chair

In the morgue wasn't just Lanie, Eyan and Esposito were there too

"guys! what are you doing here?"

"Beckett we have bad news!" Ryan informed

"I think worse than 3XK is impossible"Castle said

"Much worse" Esposito said

"kate, sit downd"Lanie said. When Beckett got a feeling that was telling her after all she was right, this have to do with her mother's case.

"When I get the test results from Tyson's blood, I found one thing, Tyson is related to someone we've met before, someone inside you mother's case"

"just tell me who" Beckett said

"With Senator Bracken, Beckett they're brothers, ad Tyson's real name isn't Jerry Tyson, it's Greg Bracken!" Lanie explained

"Tell me more about them" Beckett ask

A/N Hope you like it, please vote and coment, thank you for the 95 votes, it means a lot to me! love you all <3


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