Waiting for Alexis and Martha

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The rest of the honey moon was exactly the same, swimming pool, lunch, dinner, breakfast. Now was time to get Alexis and Martha, and then take their way to the Philippines.

When they arrived in the airport, Alexis and Martha’s flight had just landed, as Alexis saw Beckett, she ran all the way to her arms

"I missed you so much” she said

"what about me?" Castle asked smiling

"I missed you too dad" she said giving him a big hug as well

"Hi Martha"

"Hi mother" both Beckett and Castle said

"how was your honeymoon?" she asked

For no reason Kate and Castle look at each other and both start blushing

"why are you blushing?" Alexis

"cause when I look behind me, I remember being shot and your dad saving my life with his words, I wasn't ready to hear them, and now we’re right here" Beckett said looking at him

"And you dad, why are you blushing?”

"I was thinking the same thing. Months ago, when you got the job in DC, I couldn't imagine we could come this far" Castle said looking at her and then he take her to a long and deep kiss

"you two are so cute" Martha said while they were pushing away from the kiss

"ok ladies, let's eat lunch cause later we'll have a long journey to Philippines, it's a whole day inside that plane!" Castle said

"That's pretty long" Beckett sigh

A/N I'm so happy, I already have 62 readers, I know it's just a little but is important to me.
This chapter was really small but I can promise you the next one will be long. oh I almost forgot happy Bday for Stana. Please vote or comment


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