At the precint

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After Castle recive the news they both stayed cuddling at the couch watching TV till 1am.

"kate, tomorrow is an important day" Castle said

""why?" she asked

"Makes tomorrow 2 months we got married"

"that's right we should celebrate"

"I've already reserved a table at the most fantastic and romantic restaurant in NY" castle said

"nice" she said kissing him and putting her head in his chest

When he started feeling her heavier, he knew she has fall asleep. He took her in her arms and take her to their bedroom, when he lay down in his side he looked at her and she was awake looking at him

"Did I wake you?" he asked

"kind of, but its fine" she answer

"let's sleep" he said putting his arms around her

The next morning

"Castle! wake up! we need to get in the precint!" Beckett said cause they were already late

" give me more five minutes" he said

"Five minutes?! we're already late fifteen"

He stand up kiss her and they dressed up the fast as they could

"There's you tea kate" castle said, and she drink it in their way to the precint

"Whyare you drinking tea?" Esposito asked when he saw Beckett not drinking her usual coffee

"I'll tell you but first call Ryan here"

Espo do as she said, when Ryan got there she started

"well this wasn't plan to happen right before castle and I get married, but it happen"

"Just tell us what's wrong"

"Guys, I'm pregnant"

"Oh god" Esposito said hugging me and Ryan did the same

"What about me?" Castle asked "I'm the baby's father" Espo look at Beckett and ask

"is he?" they all start laughing

"congratulations, bro" espo

"yeah, congratulation Castle" Ryan said

"Ok but what about the case, do we have news?" Beckett asked

"yes we did, we check Bracken's bank account and he transfer 500 thousand million dollars to another bank account to someone named Jack Collins"

"we need to track That guy to see what he knows, caise that's a lot of money" Kate said

"We've already do that and you know what we find out? Nothing this guy have no record of life, he didin't exist

"It's Tyson, why would someone so powerful give so much money to a guy that not even exist"

"wait there's one more thing, when we check that account, the name of the account was change two days ago"

"about the time we start to investigate this case" Castle said

"what was the name of the account?" Beckett asked

"future forward" Ryan answer

"I don't know where, but I think I've heard that name before" Castle noticed

"OMG, Future forward was the name where Lazere's were transfering the money of their drug project, the head of the company was Senator Bracken and probably 3XK, they are together on this" Beckett said shocked

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