More about the case

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"Espo and I, we made a deep research at Bracken family, and we found something dark in his father, looks like his father had an affair out of his marriage, and originated a baby boy named Greg Bracken, but the senator's father pay that woman to give the baby to adoption and change the babys name to Jerry Tyson, he was adopt but when Tyson had 22 years old his adoptive parents died in a car crush, and looks like Tyson was the principal suspect, but the police never found any proves to get him into jail" He finished

"well we'll need to find connection betwen 3XK and my mother's case, and let's find out if Senator Bracken and Tyson have been in touch lately, let's work on this, maybe it's now we can get both of the Bracken's in jail" Beckett said confident

"where do we start?" Esposito asked

"Have you check Kelly's phone?"

"Yes we did, an we found nothing, someone erase her recent phone calls, probably Tyson" Ryan said

"No it wasn't Tyson" Castle said

"How did you know, Castle?"

"Cause Tyson leave his fingerprints at the body, probably he wants to be found, in that case why would he erase all the phone calls" Beckett complete Castle's theory

"Ya that's a good theory, but where did Bracken get in?" Espo asked

"That's what we need to find out, meanwhile Castle and I and you guys we'll talk to Gates about what's happening in the case, got it?"

In Gates office

"Come in detectives, humm...and Mr. Castle"Gates invited them in " Can I help you with something?" she asked

"We need to talk to you about the case"

"Is there any problem with this case?"

"Actually yeah, looks like this case could be connected to my mother's case, and worse, 3XK!"

"Your mother's case and 3XK, you detectives and of course Mr. Castle must stop investigate it, I'll put another team working on this, right now" Captain Gates said picking te phone to choose the team, but Ryan took the phone of the captain hands and give the word to Javier

"Captain we all know is dangerous, but this is our chance to get 2 in 1, it's our change to finally put the son of a b**ch on jail!" he said

"Ok, ok I get it, but I'll put officers in yout houses to protect you and you families, and you Mr. Castle will be out the case"

"Sir, Castle is the most important element of us, he's the one who knows better Tyson than any of us he can't be out of the team, I'll promise I'll protect him" Beckett said kind of angry with her captain

"fine detective, he's in, but just because of you" she said looking at Castle

Someone knocks on the door

All of them exited the captain's office except esposito, he stayed there while Lanie was getting in

"good luck" I whispered to her

A/N sorry again about the short chapter but it's really hard to me to do a long one, anyway, hope you guys liked it, please vote and comment what you think



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