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After four hours in that room, eas time to get back home. "Time to go home Kate" Castle said

she dressed new clothes and they take their way home. she can perfectly walk.

"How are you feeling?" Castle asked her in the car, oh and obviously they were taking a cab, the car was destroyed

"I could be better" she answer

In the loft

"Welcome home mom" Alexis said hugging kate "... and dad" she also said

"I'll go put your bags on the room and you're going to sit on the couch and take some rest kate"

"Are you my sugar daddy now?" Beckett asked ironic

"You can call me that" He said smiling "but that was an order, so go sit in the couch now" he said and she did it

Alexis sat next to her and look at her with a sweet look

"whats wrong Alexis?" Beckett asked

"You scared me, I was worried about you" she said with a little smile on her face

"Its everything ok now, you dont need to worry"

"Look whos here!" Castle said carrying Stana

"hi buddy, u miss mommy?" Beckett asked with a cut baby voice

"Want to sit her in your lap?" Castle asked her

"Obviously" She answer

now in the left side if beckett was Alexis, on the right, Castle and on her lap her baby daughter. Stana was already so big and heavy, she was already 3 minths old, the time has been flying for the past year, in more 4 months, Caskett will be doing their first wedding anniversary.

Around 18:30 Beckett went to take a shower and castle followed her, not to do that thing you're all thinking but to be sure if she was fine

After being all dressed and done, Martha came eith this

"Ih I forgot to tell you, I invite my boyfiend to come over too, and his bringing his daughter"

"Boyfriend huh!?... you're taking that serious, last time I checked you were just friends" Castle said

"and she have a daughter, what age??" Alexis asked

"not your age for sure, she's Katherine's age" Martha said

"what is her name?" JB asked

"I dont know but Hunter tell me he really wants her to met me" Said Martha

"I'll go get it" Alexis said as the doorbell rang

"Hi Alexis" Jim said "where's Johanna?" he asked the girl

"She's upstairs finishing dress up" She answer

"hi dad" Beckett said as she came out of the room with Stana

"Hey hows my grandaughter?" he asked

"getting bigger" She answer

"Hey Jim" Castle said giving him a handshake. then he looked at kate

"Hand me stana" he said

"Why" Beckett asked confused

"You shouldn't be carrying her, she's getting heavier"

"Cmon Castle, your telling me I ant carry my own daughter!?"

"Unfortunnaly I am, or do you want anything to happen to the new one?" Castle asked kissing Kate's forehead

Jim let out a little smile, he remebered that talk he had years ago with Castle about not let Beckett throw her life away, and now they are so happy and everything is just perfect, for now.

JB walked downstairs, and Jim ran to her, they kissed passionaly like teenagers, Beckett looked at Castle and felt joy, she kissed him too.

Then there was another knock on the door

Castle opened and there was his dad

"Dad! you came" He exclaimed

"Do you think I would lost one of the family dinners?" as he got in the loft there were already lots of people, family to specific

they were all sutting on the couch waiting for Martha boyfriend and his daughter, Alexis boyfriend and Richard

After a while Richard appears, then Alexis boyfriend, Roy.

"This is Roy" Alexis introduced him to everyone

"Hi Roy" all of the said in core

Castle really enjoyed Roy, he was peaceful, polite and seemed completly in love with Alexis, he was his type so Castle liked that.

"Hunter is late" Martha said

In the middle if the talk Kate's phone rang


"Hi beckett its Rachel, well I actually think that Im going to the dinner there on your loft"

Beckett was ablut to ask if the plans she had were canceled but the line went down

"Mcord is coming" She said to Castle

"the FBI agent that dinner with us a while ago?" JB asked

"let me put a plate to her" martha said

The door bell rang

"it must be hunter, Ill go open it"

Martha opened the door and saw Hunter and Mcord "Where's your daughter?" she asked

"this is her" tje old man answer

"Omg what a coincidence" Martha said giving Mcord a hugg. When Hunter and Mcord got in Castle whisperer to Beckett

"no way"

"Omg I cant believe it Rachel" Beckett said hugging her friend

"we're family now" Mcord said laughing to castle

"Thats creepy" he said and she laughed back

In the table that looked like a police reunion: Beckett, castle (he homicide now), Jackson (spy), Mcord and Richard

And for be more a coincidence Mcord and Rachel knew each other from a mission they worked together. The world is so small, specially for tha Castle family!

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