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That look she's giving me is making my toes curl. Not from fear, although she might actually kill me. But she's pretty cute when she's pissed. And damn, this girl is pissed, nuclear levels of pissed off.

"Calm down. It's just a little dirt." I try to diffuse the situation, bring some perspective. Girls are so emotional, she really should look at this logically.

Of course I had planned it to go this way, so maybe logic isn't really appropriate.

"Are you kidding me?" she says. To her credit she's not screaming. But something tells me the calm exterior is all for show, pretty much like this whole trip has been.

"Um..." I'm not sure what to say.

She takes a step toward me, a predators glare locked on my face. She's gonna pounce like a lion any second.

"You..." she says while pointing at me. "You have done everything possible to break me."

That's kind of dramatic. "Don't you think that might be a little exaggeration?" Her eyes narrow. Bad choice of words.

"Exaggeration?" She stalks closer. "I've done everything you've asked," my eyebrows raise, "except for the rock climbing," she admits, "but I know you knew that I had a fear of heights. You purposefully took me to that rock and you knew exactly what would happen."

She nailed me.

"I cleaned a fish! I touched a worm! I have mud everywhere from your stupid hike, and you...you..." Her face is red and every ounce of anger is being aimed right at me.

"Yeah?" I say with a semi-smirk. I know I should be taking her seriously, but I just can't, she's too adorable. It's like a pissed off kitten.

"You are the biggest douche I've ever met!"

"Hey," suddenly she's not that cute, "kinda harsh don't you think? Especially for someone with an attitude as big as yours."

"Me? Are you insane? I'm just here trying to bring some comfort to a crappy camping trip! I don't have attitude!" Now she's screaming. Obviously I touched a nerve.

I step closer to her, we are almost nose to nose. Well, nose to neck. "Do you even know how often you toss your hair? Or huff at me with sarcasm? Or roll your eyes?"

Her eyes are wide and her mouth is hanging open. Looks like Miss princess isn't used to being called out.

"I'm not even mentioning the kissy mouth and the duck face. Who are you mugging for? It's ridiculous!"

"I..." she starts but doesn't finish.

"You are so spoiled in your little world, you want to have everything your way. Good luck, princess, real life is about to smack you in the face."

Her mouth closes and her eyes narrow. On the surface it would appear that her level of anger just went up a notch. But I'm close enough to see beneath that to the quiver of her lip and the liquid in her eyes. Which, if she blinks, will spill over and run down her cheeks.

Before that happens, she takes a deep breath and lifts her arms, putting both hands on my chest. Then she shoves me, probably as hard as she is physically able, but I don't even budge.

Her hair flips as she spins away from me, sending a whiff of her orange scent my way. I watch as she skulks back toward our campsite, fists clenched and head held high. Something tells me she's about to lose her sh... um, her composure. And I don't want to be anywhere near her when that happens.

Something else tells me that this is far from over, and I have no idea how to handle it.

Dang, I am the biggest douche she's ever met, aren't I?


Yeah he is... but that might be changing soon. Once Lacey schools him...if she pulls it together...hmmmm

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