Chapter Four: Spaceships and Tears

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Chapter Four: Spaceships and Tears


Amy is floating in space, with the Doctor holding on to her ankle from the open door of the Tardis, while Emily just sat there taking in the view.

"Now do you believe me?" The Doctor asked as he pulled Amy back inside the Tardis.

"Okay, your box is a spaceship. It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space! What are we breathing?"

"I've extended the air shell. We're fine."

The trio's eyes were drawn to the city that was floating in space.

"Now that's interesting. Twenty ninth century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations."

Emily follows the Doctor as he runs back to the console and the doors close.

"That's so cool."


"Migrating to the stars."


Emily and the Doctor continued, oblivious to Amy's calls.

"So, what? They just built whole nations on top of spaceships and flew away?"

"It's amazing, isn't it?"


The Doctor and Emily realise that Amy had been locked outside and pull her back in.

"Well, come on." The Doctor said. "I've found us a spaceship. This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. All of it, bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It's Britain, but metal. That's not just a ship, that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and shopping. Searching the stars for a new home."

"Can we go out and see?" Emily asked.

"Course we can. But first, there's a thing."

"A thing?"

"An important thing. In fact, Thing One. We are observers only. That's the one rule I've always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets."

Emily could tell straight away that he was lying. It becomes even more obvious when an image of a little girl waiting by the lifts appear on the scanner and the Doctor stares curiously at it.

"Ooo, that's interesting." The Doctor remarks.

Score one for Emily.

"So we're like a wildlife documentary, yeah?" Amy said sadly. "Because if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can't just save it, they've got to keep filming and let it die. It's got to be hard. I don't think I could do that. Don't you find that hard, being all, like, detached and cold?

Amy sees the Doctor and Emily on the scanner, speaking to the weeping girl.

"Doctor? Em?"

He gestures for her to join him, while the girl runs off.

[London Market]

"Welcome to London Market. You are being monitored."

"We're in the future. Like hundreds of years in the future. We've been dead for centuries." Amy said in disbelief.

"Oh, lovely. You're a cheery one. Never mind dead, look at this place. Isn't it wrong?"

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