Chapter Eleven: Matters of the Heart

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Chapter Eleven: Matters of the Heart

[Outside the Primary Flight Deck]

"It doesn't open it from here, but it's the Primary Flight Deck. This has got to be a service hatch or something."

"Hurry up and open it. Time's running out." River said.

"What?" The Doctor demanded. "What did you say? Time's running out, is that what you said?"

"Yeah. I just meant-"

"I know what you meant. Hush. But what if it could?"

"What if what could?" Amy asks.

"Time. What if time could run out?"

"Got it." Octavian called


"Angels advancing, sir."

"Over here again."

"Weapons primed. Combat distance five feet. Wait for it."

"What is it? What's happening? Just tell me!" Emily demanded.

"Keep your position and, ma'am, keep your eyes shut. Wait."

A bright light floods through the forest.

"The ship's not on fire. is it?"

"It can't be. the compressors would have taken care of it. Marco, the Angels have gone. Where'd they go?"

"What, the Angels?" Emily asked.

"This side's clear too, sir."

Emily searched around blindly. "The Angels have gone?"

"There's still movement out there, but away from us now. It's like they're running." A cleric replied.

"Running from what?"

"Phillip, Crispin, need to get a closer look at that."

"What are you all looking at? What's there?"

[Outside the Primary Flight Deck]

"Cracks." The Doctor muttered to himself. "Cracks in time. Time running out. No, couldn't be. Couldn't be. But how is a duck pond a duck pond if there aren't any ducks? And she didn't recognise the Daleks. Okay, time can shift. Time can change. Time can be rewritten. Ah. Oh!"


"It's like, I don't know, a curtain of energy, sort of shifting." Marco replied. "Makes you feel weird. Sick."

Emily had a bad feeling she knew what it was.

"And you think it scared the Angels?" Emily asked.

"What could scare those things?" Another cleric said.

Emily started standing up.

"What are you doing?"

"Point me at the light." She ordered.

"You can't open your eyes."

"I can't open them for more than a second, that's what the Doctor said. Still got a bit of countdown left."

"Ma'am. you can't."

"I need to see it. Am I looking the right way? I have to be quick."

"Very quick." Marco relents.

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