Chapter Fourteen: Reality One or Reality Two

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Chapter Fourteen: Reality One or Reality Two?

{Reality One}


In the quiet countryside, a cockerel crows. A very heavily pregnant Amy is mixing ingredients in a bowl, when she suddenly puts it down and gasps.


[Outside the house]

La long haired Rory returns home on his bicycle.

"Rory, it's starting!"


Rory dashes in to find Amy contentedly eating cake mix.

"Ah. Okay, okay." He panics.

"False alarm."


"Well, I don't know what it feels like." She said defensively. "I've never had a baby before."

The sound of the Tardis materialising comes from outside.

"No." Amy said.

It didn't kick in for Rory. "I know, leaf blowers. Use a rake."

"No, it's-"

The Tardis parks herself directly outside the front window.

"I knew. I just knew."

[Front garden]

The Doctor and Emily step out of the Tardis and into Amy's flower garden. She looked around in recognition and turned to the Doctor.

"Amy's gonna kill you." Emily sang.

"Oh, shut up."

They try to step over a small rockery to get out.

"Rory!" The Doctor called happily.


"I've crushed your flowers."

"Oh, Amy will kill you."

Emily snickered. "Told you."

"Shut up." The Doctor look around for the missing sister. "Where is she?"

"She'll need a bit longer."

"Whenever you're ready, Amy."

Amy waddles out and Emily squeals in excitement, carefully hugging her pregnant sister.

"Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet." The Doctor exclaims.

Emily whacks his arm playfully. "She's pregnant."

"She's huge."

"Yeah." Amy said, rolling her eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"Look at you. When worlds collide."

"Doctor, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size."

Her head throbbed painfully. Five years? It had been five years? Felt more like five minutes.

"Oh, it's good to see you, Em, Doctor."

The Doctor seemed to come to a realisation. "Are you pregnant?"

Emily shook her head with an amused laugh and he smiled goofily at her, unaware of Rory and Amy exchanging knowing glances.

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