Chapter Thirteen: Ba-dum Ba-dum

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Special little message before we begin. Usually leave this for the end, but:

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY Littleperson930 !!!!!!
Thanks for all the support and stuffs. Really means a lot. Your comments keep making me want to write more, just because I know there's at least one person out there (besides padme37221 ) that really enjoys my story. So, happy bday & thanks.
And you'll be pleased to know, this chapter is very emotional . . . . . Satisfying ;)


Chapter Thirteen: Ba-dum Ba-dum


"If we cancel now, we lose the deposit on the village hall. The salsa band. Oh-"

The Doctor opens a nearby chest. It contains desiccated vampires.

"What happened to them?" Rory asked.

"They've had all the moisture taken out of them."


"Such a unique taste. I wonder what makes this so?" Rosanna pondered, wiping her mouth. Her eyes widen in realisation and greed. "Could it be-?"

"Mother, where you drink from her, may we share? I'm so thirsty."

"Of course, darling."


"That's what vampires do, right? They drink your blood and replace it with their own."

"Yeah, except these people haven't just had their blood taken, but all the water in their entire bodies."

"Why did they die? Why aren't they like the girls in the school?"

"Maybe not everyone survives the process." The Doctor's stomach filled with sick dread. His Hearst twisted for what seemed like the thousandth time. Emily.

Ba-dum Ba-dum

"You know what's dangerous about you?" Rory said angrily. "It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around."

"Who are you?"

Six girls had suddenly appeared. The Doctor waves his UV light at them.

"We should run." Neither of them moved. "Run!"


"This is how it works." Rosanna stated. "First, we drink you until you're dry. Then we fill you with our blood. It rages through you like a fire, changing you, until one morning you awake and your humanity is a dream now faded."

Francesco grinned maliciously. "Or you die. That can happen."

"And if I survive? What about Amy?"

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