Chapter Eighteen: The Not So Great Rescue

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Chapter Eighteen: The Not So Great Rescue


"This place is enormous and deserted." The Doctor said. "The majority of the race are probably still asleep. We need to find Emily. Looking for heat signature anomalies."

Nasreen shook her head in amazement. "But Doctor, how can all this be here? I mean, these plants."

"Must be getting closer to the centre of the city."

"You're sure this is the best way to enter" she asked him nervously.

"Front door approach. Definitely. Always the best way."

The alarms sounded and the Doctor looked at Nasreen sheepishly.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen."

"Apart from the back door approach. That's also good. Sometimes better." He rambled.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen."


Warriors approach the duo from both sides, trapping them in.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen."

"We're not hostile." The Doctor said, raising his hands. "We're not armed. We're here in peace."

A warrior stepped forward and gassed them with its weapon, rendering them unconscious.


"Don't you come near me with that." Emily warned shakily.

She tried to get away from the approaching scientist. He briefly stopped made an audio note.

"From the clothing, the human female appears to be more resistant to the cold than the male."

"I dressed for Rio!"

"Leave her alone." Mo tried. "You've got me."

The scientist -Malohkeh- bent over Emily as she tried to get away, but couldn't because her wrists were clamped tight to the table. "Argh."

"Decontamination has detected an anomaly." The scientist documented. "Commencing secondary scan."

"Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested. Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested."

Malohkeh - the scientist - ran out with no moment of hesitation.

"Yeah. And stay out." Emily called.

She had somehow managed to sneak the restraints control from Malohkeh when he was about to dissect her. She freed herself, then started on Mo.

"Ah ah!" She celebrated when she got him unchained.

"How did you get that?" Mo asked, dumbstruck.

She winked at him. "I am majestically skilled in the art of picking lizard men's pockets. Come on, we better move before he gets back."


"That creature, do you think it was an alien?" Mo asked. "Any more of them, do you think? Do you think the Earth's been invaded?"

"Don't know. I don't think so, but I know someone who could have some answers. We need to get back to the surface and find him." They came across a door. "I wonder where this leads."

"Maybe it's a way out of here."

Emily pressed the button on the wall panel. A screen lights up, then the area behind the door. It was a stasis alcove, and Elliot was inside.

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