Chapter Fifteen: Reality Three or Home?

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Chapter Fifteen: Reality Three or Home?

{Reality One}


"They're just old people." Amy said.

"No, they're very old people. Sorry, Rory, I don't think you're what's been keeping them alive."

The Dream Lord appeared. "Hello, peasants. What's this, attack of the old people? Oh, that's ridiculous. This has got to be the dream, hasn't it? What do you think, Emmy? Let's all jump under a bus and wake up in the Tardis. You first."

"Leave her alone." The Doctor growled.

"Do that again. I love it when he does that. Tall dark hero. Leave her alone."

"Just leave her." Rory attempted.

"Yes, you're not quite so impressive. And guess what? I know where your heart lies, don't I, Emily Pond?"

"Shut up." Amy told him. "Just shut up and leave her alone."

The Dream Lord ignored her. "But listen. You're in there. Loves a redhead, the Doctor. Has he told you about Elizabeth the First? Well, she thought she was the first."

"Drop it. Drop all of it. I know who you are." The Doctor warned darkly. Emily could feel his hate without even touching him.

"Course you don't."

"Course I do. No idea how you can be here, but there's only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do."

"Never mind me. Maybe you should worry about them." The Dream Lord said nodding towards the old people that were walking across the grass. When four time travellers turned their backs, the Dream Lord vanished.

"Hi. Hello."

"Hello, we were wondering where you went. To get reinforcements, by the look of it. Are you all right? You look a bit tense."

"Hello, Mister Nainby."


Rory ignored the Doctor. "Mister Nainby ran the sweet shop. He used to slip me the odd free toffee."

Nainby grabs Rory by the collar and lifts him off his feet.

"Did I not say thank you?"

He gets thrown into the mud by the swings.

Emily and Amy helped him up. "I don't think that's the reason Rory."

"How did he do that?"

"I suspect he's not himself. Don't get comfortable here. You may have to run, fast."

"Can't we just talk to them?" Amy complained.

The old people open their mouths, and an eye looks out.

Emily stared. "There is an eye in her mouth. An eye." She then shook her head, sighing. "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

"There's a whole creature inside her. Inside all of them. They've been there for years, living and waiting."

"That is disgusting. They're not going to be peeping out of anywhere else, are they?"

Mrs Poggit then breathed a stream of green gas at them.

"Run. Okay, leave them, leave them. Talk to me. Talk to me. You are Eknodines. A proud, ancient race. you're better than this."

Amy and Rory run off while Emily stayed. She refused to leave him alone.

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