Chapter Twenty Five: Not Much of a Prison

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Chapter 25: Not Much of a Prison

The Doctor and his rag-tag group have just discovered the entrance to the Underhenge, Emily has seemingly disappeared after going to fix something for the Doctor, River has gone to the Tardis, The Doctor has been knockout and Amy is been attacked by a Cybeam
It continues . . .


Amy stared in horror at the doors as the slammed shut after her, her vision still swimming in and out of focus as she pressed herself against the wall. "Doctor!" She screamed as the doors started to rattle. However, a seconds later, there was silence on the other side of the door, all banging ceasing. Hesitantly, Amy staggered slightly over to the door and pressed her ear against it.

"Doctor?" She asked softly, trying to speak past the lump in her throat.

However, said lump mysteriously disappeared enough for her to let out a piercing scream when a sword stabbed through the door like butter, only inches from her face. Scrambling back, Amy stared through swimming eyes as the door gently swung open to reveal the Cyberman skewered to the wood.

Tearing her eyes away from sparking robot, she tried to focus on the dark figure in front of her, a hard feet with her brain starting to shut down and her limb getting weaker and weaker. "Wh-who are you?" She stuttered out, desperately trying to keep the fear from her voice.

Her heart beat doubled as the Centurion removed his helmet, but even the possibility of an imminent threat was unable to help her eyes stay open, and she slumped against the wall.

"Hello, Amy."

She could no longer fight the effects of the drug, and she collapsed, eyes closing for good as she passed out.


If Emily had any sort of notion that connecting two cords together (by that, she means jiggling them until lights turn on) would cause her so much trouble, she would have told the Doctor to shunt off and do it himself. As much as she loves him, and would be willing to run away to the stars and give up the perfect reality to be with him, she was beginning to wonder whether or not he was worth being captured by a mismatched hoard of aliens threatening to kill her.

And yes, she said love.

No point in trying to deny it if she was about to die a horrendous and painful death.


Oh yeah, horrendous and painful death indeed.

"For the last time, I. Don't. Know!" Emily groaned, wincing as she involuntarily tugged on her restraints, causing the already irritated skin to tear and bleed. "I know that you guys are dumbasses, but surely you can comprehend that!"

As expected, the hoard of mixmatched rallied up in protest and anger at being insulted by a mere human. Over the yells and grunts and groans, Emily heard a sentence that would serve to haunt her for a long while.

"Perhaps we should try a different . . . persuasion technique?

[Pandorica chamber]

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