Chapter Twenty Four: The Oldest Box in the Universe

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Chapter Twenty Four: The Oldest Boxin the Universe

[France 1890]

The pitch-black curtain of night draped over the sky, and the twisted, warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness, shone like dance fairies. The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns. Rain fell in crazy chaotic drops, the gusting wind carried them in wild vortices one moment and in diagonal sheets the next.

In a bedroom, an unappreciated artist wailed and screamedby his new painting of Still Life with Twelve Sunflowers, dedicated to Amy. His doctor in attendance tried desperately to get through to the broken man, but to no avail.

"Vincent, can you hear me? Please." He begged.

"It's not enough he goes drinking all 'round the town." A woman fretted. "Now the whole neighbourhood has to listen to his screaming."

"He's very ill, Madame Vernet."

"Look at this, even worse than his usual rubbish." The woman- MadameVernet - said, lookingat another one of the artists'paintings, confusion and distaste very apparent on her agitatedface.The doctorfrowned and got up, leaving his patient to loom over Madame Vernet's shoulder in confusion."What's it supposed to be?"

They ignored the painter as his crying and screams got worse.

[Cabinet War Rooms, London 1941]

Bracewell walked purposefully through the hallway, the painting tucked safely under his arm as he brought itto the Prime Minister.

"It was found behind the wall, in an attic in France." He explained deliberately, having set it up on a chair to observe. "It's genuine. It's a Van Gogh."

"Why bring it to me?" The large man grumbled.

"Because it's obviously a message, and you can see who it's for."

"Can't say I understand it."

"You're not supposed to understand it, Prime Minister." Bracewell replied pointedly. "You're supposed to deliver it."

[Stormcage Containment Facility 5145]

The shrill ring of the telephone seemed louder in the open acoustics of the curved prison corridor, the sound echoing even after the guard answered it.

"Cell four two six." He answered emotionlessly. "The Doctor? Do you mean Doctor Song?"

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