Ew. I'm old.

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"Holy shit."
"What? They aren't that bad. Besides, it was my own damned fault that I got them."
"That are very bad Lady of Silver. Only a great warrior could have walked away from battle with these wounds and survive."
"I'm going to agree with Thor. When I did this, it should have killed you."
"Nah. Hulk did it, not you. Besides I found a medic quick. I am fine. Oh and Thor. I'm no warrior. I am a cold blooded killer, nothing else."

With everyone staring I push back my chair and go back outside. While crossing the yard I can hear them trying to find out how I survived.

The answer is simple really. HYDRA messed with me and gave me serums and shots. I am way to strong for my own good and can heal quicker than most people. Even the famous Captain America.

Allowing my feet to take me where they wish I once again end up in my shed, not working just sitting in the rafters that hold the bay doors up. I have my own little nest up there.

My nest is basically where four joists meet with boards laying around them to make a platform. There are a few books and some blankets and a pillow up there. It's practically the only place I will sleep. Unless Winter is here. He'd have a fit if he new I slept out here.

Without realizing it I start to drift off until I hear voices coming down the ladder shaft.

"She needs an elevator. No wonder she has such great legs."
"Stark that's disgusting. And not everyone can afford to get an elevator."
"I agree with Nat. Don't be looking at her legs like that."
"Steve do you have a crush?!"
"No Tony! I don't even know her!"
"I'm pretty sure that Bucky wouldn't approve of your crush anyway. It's a good idea to keep it hidden."
"Not you to Natasha!"
"Sorry. I'm at the bottom!!"

Took them long enough. Why wouldn't they just slide down? It's so much faster.

Watching them from above they start walking around my shed looking at what I have. There are 4 doors leading off of the main area. That they notice.

Behind the doors are:
A bathroom/laundry room
A parts room
A computer/hacking room
And my armoury

They go to the bathroom, muttering about how small it is (Stark) and how nice the lighting is(Widow). When they go into the armoury and don't come out for 5 minutes I start to get curious. As I am about to jump from my platform they walk out.

Walking to the computer room I start to wonder what I have left running and what is easy to hack. I mean in their group of three-no five, Winter and Scarlett just came down- has Tony Stark an extraordinary computer expert and Black Widow an ex-assassin who hacked into SHEILD.

I'm screwed. They are going to find me out what I have been trying to figure out.
Who am I?
I know that my name is Jessica Rice, from my HYDRA file that I stole one day.  It was like I never existed. It makes my job- figuring out who the hell I was- a lot harder.

Either they are going to find my scans for that or the files that I have from when I hacked HYDRA a few weeks back; they were mostly on Winter, and the doctor dude that did shit to us. 

Jumping from my platform I turn myself invisible and land gracefully in a roll. By gracefully I mean I land on the heels of my feet creating a loud clapping noise that echoes through the shed.

Hopefully they assume I have dropped something while repairing the jet.

Never mind.

Widow walked out of the computer room with her gun in her hands looking for where the noise originated. Scarlett is trying to find out if anyone else is in the shed by doing her magic stuff.
One of her ribbon things gets a little to close for comfort and I simply side step towards the jet while trying to make absolutely no sound.

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