Puddles of Blood

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When I left the file room I didn't go far, I only climbed the ladder, shut the hatch,turned invisible and sat on a dumbbell bench waiting for the guys to come up and leave.

I waited for about a half hour and then started to get bored.

When just over three quarters of an hour passed since I came up the hatch opened and out came the trio. They walked out of the gym. Waiting for a few minutes to make sure they didn't come back, I then go back to my files.
I needed to update them.

Updating my files normally takes about two full days plus a night where I don't sleep and just power through.

Taking all the files out of the cabinets and setting them in the centre tables I re-file them with three 'HYDRA' cabinets, a 'Avengers' drawer in the top of the 'S.H.E.I.L.D' cabinet, a 'killed&deceased' cabinet, a 'Red Room' drawer in one of two 'Potential Threat' cabinets.

Pulling out the Avengers files I grab a red pen and start to cross out and change information in each folder. I start with Hawkeye; I write down that he is deaf and basically always armed with his bow.
Black Widow; good swimmer, understands me, schooling partner
Scarlett Witch; stubborn, will not stop trying to crack me
Banner; caring
Falcon; cares about his friends, does not like false data
Iron Man; jackass, dirty minded, gets lost easy
Thor; favourite food- pop tarts. Friendly if not threatened or given said pop tarts.
Captain America; potential ally
Winter; friend, ally, brother figure

Placing the files back in the drawer in alphabetical order I continue through the S.H.E.I.L.D cabinet. When I get tired I turn to the computer in the corner of the room and update the files I have marked in pen and print out the newly updated paperwork.

Shredding the old papers and stuffing them into a garbage bag to burn later I climb up on top of the cabinets and lay flat on my back hoping to fall asleep and stay asleep with no nightmares.

(Winter's P.O.V.)

Steve and I noticed over four hours since coming to the house that we hadn't seen Silver since she left the file room and we started to get worried.

We get Wanda and Clint to help us find her. Since she's not in the house she has to be outside. Wanda searches for her in the trees while the rest of us go back to the shed. Clint goes up to the nest, Steve goes to check the gym and file room while I check the main areas of the shed. 

Wanda comes down after saying she didn't find her and goes back to the house. I can hear Clint snoring so I guess he's not helping anymore and when Steve comes out of the gym door and waves me over I feel as if 1000 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders.

Not seeing Silver when we enter the gym I get confused until Steve opens the hatch to the file room. He climbs down first and when I make it to the bottom I look around and notice that some labels have been changed and that a garbage bag is leaning beside a shredder. When I spot Silver it's because she whimpers and rolled over into of the cabinets so she is facing us.

She has tears sliding down her face while she's asleep.

I knew that she wouldn't want to be woken up and won't talk when she's awake so I just watch her. I want to help but if she won't let me in then I don't know what to do. If she won't let anyone in we can't help her even though she has helped us so much.

It takes over an hour for Silv to wake up, since we came down. In that time Steve and I looked around to find out why she had changed the files and sections around.

Silver DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang