Car rides and memories.

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On the way into town I drive and Widow watches me from the corner of her eye. I can tell that she and Scarlett are having a conversation in their heads, just by the small nods Widow is giving every so often.

It's rather strange going to town in complete silence. I always have the radio or the music I have saved to my phone going so I don't have to deal with silence.

Getting into town and getting out of my truck anyone near looks at us.

I don't go to town very often, and when I do I always keep my hood up and head down because I don't like people seeing my face, or becoming familiar with me.

These girls are different.

Hoods down, and chins held high, accepting the looks they are given.

"Over there is the Bargain shop. Over there is CP Casuals. Up the street is Mal's. I will be in the grocery store. Good luck." Pointing to each shop as I say its name I leave the girls alone.

They go and get clothes.
I don't worry about where they go knowing they can handle themselves.

I go to the grocery store and get food knowing that I must be getting low with the extra mouths to feed.

With lots of healthy stuff in my cart I wander towards a section I rarely go to; the junk food.

I despise junk food. It's fatty and makes you lazy. HYDRA hated food like this. It is one of the few things I agree with them about.

Knowing that Thor wanted pop tarts I get 3 different kinds not knowing what kind he likes. The kinda I get are: strawberry, smores and blueberry.

Getting chips, dip, pop, and a few other things from this section I pay and leave the store after being in it for over 45 minutes.

Loading my haul into the box of the truck I can see the girls leaving the store across the street from me with three bags each.

They ignore me and walk to the next store that I had pointed out. Rolling my eyes I follow them and hold my hands out to take there bags once they notice me behind them.

Slowly they hand them over. They obviously don't trust me. I am fine with that. I do not need anyone other than Winter to trust me. I don't want anyone to get hurt by having people I trust betray me.

"I will wait in the vehicle."
"Are you not getting anything?"
"No Scarlett. I am fine with the clothes I have. Besides. I was not the one needing the trip in. I simply wanted to observe how you two were somewhere other than my house."
"You know Silver that's really creepy. Like, were you trying to see if we trusted you? Cause the answer is no."
"Natasha! Don't be so-"
"No. I don't care if you trust me. It would be wiser if you didn't. I just wanted to see if you would stick near me or stay together. I will be in the vehicle."
Turning I could feel their eyes on the back of my head.
I was mad that she called me creepy considering we had almost the same upbringing.

(Natasha's pov)
"Why would you say that Nat? You made her mad."
"Well sorry. I wanted to know what her reaction would be. Now, next store?"
"Do you think she's going to be fine on her own?"
"Seriously Wanda. She been in her own for how long? She'll be fine."

** time skip cause I suck at writing**

Walking out of the store with bags and Wanda in tow I head back to the vehicle we came into town in. Halfway across the large parking lot I can start to hear music. Knowing that it's from Silver's vehicle I guessed that what I said upset her.

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