New Floor

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Fury stayed for another hour before leaving. I stayed in my room the entire time, only leaving when FRIDAY alerted me that he had driven out of he parking garage. Even then waiting a few minutes to leave and find others. Or the gym.

Of course I found the gym and not people. The gym is easier to deal with than humans. 

The bag across the room from me is looking like very good stress reliever. 

Not bothering to tell FRIDAY to lock the doors I cross the room, ready to swing and ready to fight.

The chain and leather give at about the same time, two minutes into me swinging at it, and sand comes out pouring out of the bag now laying on its side onto the floor. The second bag lasts three minutes. The third bag one minute maximum.

What is wrong with me. I'm not doing anything wrong.

At least right now in this moment. Yes I've done hundreds upon hundreds of horrible deeds and I've done few good ones, but I didn't have a choice very often. I didn't get to decide if I was going to become a doctor that could help people or lawyer to get people out of trouble. I was forced to be a killer and murderer, forced to do things like torture and get tortured.

What was his name, Howard maybe? I can vaguely remember calling him uncle right before he toppled the chair I was strapped to into a form of liquid. Something that made my lungs burn and scream louder than my vocal cords could, have or ever will.

Why did I call him my uncle though? seriously needing that memory fixer soon.

The door to the gym bangs shut and Clint walks in with his bow. "Hey."

"Long time no see?"
"Yes it has been. How are the kids?"
"They're alright. They keep asking about you."
"Well, tell them I say 'Hi' but please don't let them know that my head is messed up this bad."

"I won't." With that he heads to the shooting area and pulls his draw string back, I turn around before he releases his arrow, with a small thud I know that the bulls eye has been hit. the next hour Clint and I are the only ones in the gym, both doing our own thing, and excelling at our chosen practice.

Soon I am out of punching bags to use, they are all on the floor with snapped chains or were out of sand. Oops.

Three hours later I find myself in the rafters of the weapons room, just sitting half asleep. James and Steve come in at one point to grab some things- Steve's shield, a few guns and a knife- just as they're about to leave James spots me. "Hey Silv, whatcha doing up there?"
"Was sleeping. Go away."

He shoves Steve a little bit, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just tired."
"Jess, you wanna come train with us?"
"I've already been to the gym. Even ask Clint." With that I jump from my perch landing a few feet in front of the pair and stroll out of the room.

By the time I stop moving I've discovered a pool, a second gym that doesn't seem to be used very often, and of course an unused floor. A complete floor unused, just sitting smelling and feeling forgotten, collecting dust bunnies.

I found a new hide away. A new secluded area to be myself, and be as free as I can now.

For an hour I explore the floor, a kitchen, a living area fully furnished, five bathrooms and four bedrooms. Tony really does go all out for places like these.

James and Steve come to find me later on in the day, I'm not sure how long it's been since they found me in the rafters taking a nap, but they don't seem happy to find me there.
"What are you doing?"
"Sitting. In a chair while watching the sunset. Why?"
"You've been missing for five hours. Where have you been?"
"James calm down, I haven't left the building."
"Then where have you been?!"
"On this floor. Even ask FRIDAY. She should know."

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