Fishing to Files

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The weather is sunny and warm. Winters team needs to relax and stay calmed down.

One of the only calming things I do is fishing.

Fishing is a calm thing to do. I need to ask Winter if that's a good idea. I think he is in our shared room. He is.

"Hey Winter?"
"Yes Silver?"
"Wanna see if anyone wants to go fishing? It's perfect weather."
"Yah. You put bait on a hook and you put the hook on the fishing line that's atta-"
"I know what fishing is. But where would we go?"
"The river. It's only like ten minutes from here. No phones and no radios. No signal. Just nature and the farm near the river."
"Would anyone there know us?"
"Well yah. The people who own the farm are pretty chill with me. They come over for coffee every so often."
"Why would they do that?"
"Well I used my liar liar pants on fire skills to give them a back story on myself."
"And that would be?"
"My parents died tragically in a car crash and I couldn't live in the city that it happened in. I decided to move and I settled here."
"That's it?"
"There was a much longer explination and a few fake tears. They did believe me and didn't ask any more questions. It was to easy lying to them."
"That's not very good. But fishing could be a good idea. We all need to stay relaxed."
"Okay, I'm gonna ask the girls and anyone else I can find, you wanna find people and ask?"
As he gets off the bed he replies "Sure."
"Good. And if you find Stark tell him that it's not optional."
"Sounds like a plan."
"See yah soon."
Walking down the hall as Winter goes outside I knock on the bedroom door where Banner normally is.
"Who is it?"
"One second please."
Waiting a few seconds until Banner opens the door I listen to the shuffling behind it.
"You look like shit. Would you like to go fishing?"
He is obviously caught off guard by my remark. "Sure. And I haven't shaved in awhile."
"There are razors in the bathroom. Picked them up when the girls wanted to go to town."
"Ah. Thank you. And when are you planning on going?"
"Depends. You wanna deal with your scruff first? Cause if you do we can leave in an hour."
"Is that alright?"
"Yah. I still gotta find and ask everyone else."
"Okay. Thank you again."
"No problemo"

Taking a few stairs at a time and crossing the basement floor to reach the girls door I knock only to hear
"Fishing sounds good! I will come if that's alright?"
"That's why I was planning on asking Scarlett. Where is Widow?"
"She is in the gym. She wanted to see the ballet shoes you have."
"Okay. See you in an hour or so."
"See you then."

Stepping over to Thor's bedroom I knock only to hear a loud snore. Shrugging I walk in.
He sleeps sprawled across the bed, no wonder Falcon took Winter's spot on the couch.

Pulling a pillow from under his head I hit him in the face with it.
"I am awake Lady Silver."
"Oh. Everyone is going fishing in an hour. If you don't know what that is we will explain when we get there. See yah then."
"Good to know and be invited, see you all then Lady Silver."

No one else is in the house so I go to the garage where my truck is and get the fishing rods and tackle box.
I only have four fishing rods and there are eight of us, guess we will have to share. After collecting everything including bait I walk to the van. Storing the fishing rods in the undercarriage compartment I set the tackle box in the back hatch and look for the rest of Winter's team.

Sliding down the ladder shaft and reaching the bottom I check the gym and no one is there. Then I check the nest and find Hawkeye.
"Where is everyone else?"
"In the gym. Didn't you see them?"
Wait. The entrance to the file room is in the gym.
"You look scared, what's wrong?"
"A lot of things. Gotta go!"
Jumping off the nest I land wrong and hurt my ankle but run to the gym despite any thoughts I may have.
Entering the gym I walk to the far left corner where another trap door is.

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