Waking up, Heading out

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I didn't know what was going on. One moment I was freezing, the next I was on the ground coughing up water and being dragged from the room down the hall into the training room.

No one wastes time around here. Where am I? Standing up I find a weapon to attack someone with until I find out where I am and what's going on.

A glint to my left catches my eye, my katanas, shining and polished. Waiting for me. A mask is wrapped around the handles, I put it on changing my hair and eyes to the most random colours I can think of. Black eyes and blood red hair. Using the blades as mirrors I look at myself.

To say I'm creepy is a major understatement. I look like a spawn of the devil. I look like a demon, awaiting orders to kill someone. Or a lot of someone's.

But where am I? Russia? Germany? Canada? Canada. What was in Canada? I never trained there, did I go on a mission there? Did I kill someone while in that country? Not that I can remember. My head stalls, spins and erupts in pain.

It's hazy but a memory. I'm looking at a 'Welcome to Manitoba Canada' sign. That's all I can see before the memory dissipates.

Back in the training room armed agents come in, lining up in front of the wall opposite of me. A body guard walks in followed by.....Dr. Erick, a man worse than anything a nightmare capable to be thrown at me. And I have some hectic nightmares.

He watches me for a second, I starts grabbing knives and sliding them between my belt and pants, carful not to drop one or cut myself. Once my belt is loaded with knives that won't fall off when I walk I grab my katanas, taking notice of the single snowflake etched in the blade, near the hilt of each one. I turn to Erick "where is my training partner?"

He smiles and gestures to the soldiers lined up against the wall. "These men are your training partners."
There has to be twenty agents in the line up. "I'll kill them all in two days, maybe one. Where is The Winter Soldier?"
He strikes me across the face, you could cut the tension that just showed up with a knife. "We don't speak about that failure."
"He is the fist of HYDRA. How is he a failure?"
"That is not of your concern."
I walk past him to one of my 'sparing' partners and pin him to the wall "where is he?" No reply, I break his neck and grab the man beside the fallen body "I will only ask once. Where is Winter?"
In a very low almost whispering voice, so no one other that me can hear him, he responds "he failed a mission. Didn't die, but got away."

I drop the man on his feet "do I have to ask everyone in here! WHERE IS THE WINTER SOLDIER?"
The men near me flinch but don't move away. I spin on Dr. Erick "if I have to kill everyone in this facility to find where he is I will."
"He is no longer the fist of HYDRA. He failed his mission and ran from the consequences."
"So find him."
The doctor smiles "that will be your job later on. But for now, you have training to get to. Have fun." He and his bodyguard leave, I look at the body on the floor. Picking it up I place it on a bench and find a towel, covering his face.

I turn to everyone else "no one is fighting me." I walk to the ladders and start climbing, into the rafters and wonder across beams, taking a knife from my belt and shoving it into the roof I try and guess, underground base or ground level. Sunlight shines through the hole when I pull the knife back out. Ground level.

Jumping from the rafters and landing by the punching bags I test out my arms. When did I get them? Once again I can't remember.

Guess I'll have to find that out too. Along with where I am, where Winter is, and how to get from here. If James can get away so can I.

A month has passed since I have been dragged into the training room. Only one of my sparring parters remain. The one that told me that James escaped. I've caught him watching me, or looking for me while I'm in the rafters, I've been stashing weapons up there, getting ready for some sort of show down. I follow the same routine everyday, wake up at 5am,eat breakfast, train for 14 hours, eat supper, train for another hour, shower, go to sleep.

Silver DeathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ