I Blame You Tony

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They have my coordinates. I have to disappear from here before they show up. Dammit Tony, why couldn't you just listen? "Seriously though, when I told you not to look for me what the hell did you think I meant? Find her as soon as possible? Ugh." Halfway through my thoughts I started talking out loud, a nasty habit I picked up from some scientist back in HYDRA. there was always some sort of murmur going on in the labs. Well murmurs or screaming. Sometimes both. It was either James or I that was screaming though. Kinda annoying.

Pack, put away the vehicle, copy then delete everything from the hard drives and leave a note yelling at Tony. Simple if you have done it multiple times before. Frustrating even.

Setting up my video camera I mutter to myself "Okay Tony, you wanted to find me so you can fine me. But on a computer screen and yelling at you." Checking that the camera is square on my face I start. "Tony I said DO NOT LOOK FOR ME! WHAT DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? SHOULD I USE SMALLER WORDS? YOU NO FIND ME! IS THAT BETTER?! And James, should I tell you that I don't want to be found?! Seriously Butchanan don't let him look for me! I don't want to hurt anyone!" Letting my voice go softer I continue "Oh, by the way Natalia, I'm sorry about the frame, I meant for it to be on the dresser not behind. And Steve, the package is for your birthday, don't open it befo-" a loud bang cut me off. "Now what the hell was that?" I walk away from the video camera turning myself invisible. "Dammit."

A HYDRA agent is standing in my living room. Stupid little skull/squid symbol on her black shirt and tight as hell itchy pants. Why the hell did they come here? How the hell- Tony. He probably has a cockroach somewhere in his system. Better not be Pepper or any of his close friends, he would be crushed if it was. "SILVER DEATH! Come out where I can see you." Backing out of the room and back into my computer space I turn my hair blonde and my eyes blue, grabbing my earbuds and sticking them in while turning on a random song I get ready to go back out. All in under 15 seconds.

Stepping around the corner to where the Lady can see me I glance up and stop in my tracks. "Um hi? Your trespassing would you mind leaving?"
"Who are you?"
"Um, Jennifer Forsyth. And you are?"
"Where is Silver Death?"
She pulls a gun on me and I scream ducking my head so that the bullet goes past my ear just barely nicking it. "ты, сука!" (Ouch, you b*tch!)
"Where is The Small Soldier?" There's a name I haven't heard for awhile.
"Look Hun, can I call you Hun?" She just glares at me "I don't know who you're talking about, I just moved here."
"Where did you get the house?"
"Some lady named Jessie or something sold it to me. If you want to see the documents I can show you. But like, afterwards can you leave?"

She turns and leaves through the front door that she busted through to get in.

"Okay, well have a good day? Hope you find who your looking for, I guess."

I walk to the kitchen and get some juice from the fridge then go outside to get some wood to fix the doorframe, while keeping my appearance altered so that they will leave hopefully sooner rather than later. I know that I will have to stay here for at least a week to avoid HYDRA becoming suspicious and I know I will have to make a fake background for myself. Better do that right after fixing the door. Why the hell couldn't she have just opened the door? It was unlocked after all. Like seriously check before you wreck.

Sitting down at my computer I delete the video I have to show Tony and start on the background for a 'Jennifer Forsyth'
Date of birth: 1993/07/31
Parents: unknown found on step of adoption centre
Citizen of: Canada and Russia
Schooling: Canadian Law degree and a dual diploma for Citizen Help from a Manitoba High School

Make a fake grad picture, add 'my' name into a random adoption centre for about the time I said my birthday is. Good enough.

Now, judging by how long ago I had tapped into Starks video feed they should be here on about nine hours. I just have to hide who I am until they leave. Simple. Probably- hopefully- maybe- not at all.

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