Chapter Four ~

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The room was filled with darkness with the exception of a pink night light casting moons and stars on the white ceiling above. Jungkook slept soundly, warm and snug under his thick covers. If only it were quiet.

Eden had woken up from her slumber and she looked around the dark expanse around her. Where's appa? Is he gone again? Why isn't he here, holding me? Her eyes began to tear up and she let out a whine before crying.

A few minutes passed and the crying finally penetrated Jungkook's sleep. He yawned as he got up and once he heard Eden's cries he jumped out of bed and ran to her side. He picked her up and held her close. "It's okay, sweet pea, I'm here." He kissed her head and she began to calm down.

"Appa," she whined. Jungkook was getting worried about his daughter. Considering how bad she was getting, Jungkook was afraid to leave her alone. Eden was extremely clingy and Jungkook didn't realize that it could get this bad.

"You're such a pain sometimes, Eden," Jungkook whispered to her as he walked over to his bed, taking her blanket with him. "But I still love you just the same." He placed her on the bed and laid her blanket next to her. He turned on the lamp and crawled into bed. He laid down next to her and as he lied on his side, he kept an eye out for her. She played with her blanket and fingers and she would sometimes look up at her dad and giggle. He watched as she closed her eyes and her breaths got slower. Jungkook turned the lamp off and pulled the covers over her small body before he drifted off to sleep, also.


Eden held Jungkook's hand as they walked down the stairs and into the garage. Her pacifier moved as she sucked on it. It was her favorite one. Jungkook led her to the car and he put her bag in the backseat. He picked her up and placed her in her car seat before buckling her up. Her pigtails swayed as she watched him get in the front seat.

"Are you going to be a good girl for Sarah?"

Eden smiled, her front teeth poking out from her gums. The pacifier fell out of her mouth but she was quick to grab it and return it to her mouth.

"If I get a bad report I might have to take your blanky away," Jungkook teased.

The said blanket that had Cinderella on it was draped across Eden's lap. She grabbed it and looked at her dad in the rear view mirror. She blinked, looking innocent which made Jungkook chuckle.

"You're a mess, Eden," he said as he pulled out of the garage. His phone rang and he answered it, hearing his leader's voice come through.

"You are coming to practice today, aren't you?"

"Yes, hyung," Jungkook answered. Eden made a baby noise and Jungkook reached behind him to pat her leg lightly. That was always his sign to her that she was being bad or needed to be quiet.

"Good, because I'm planning on today being a harder practice. You might not get out until midnight, so whatever you've been leaving early for, you better tell them that you're not going to be able to make it tonight."

Jungkook looked back at Eden who was watching the scenery pass by the windows. "Okay, hyung. I will." He hung up and sighed.

"Hey, Eden?"

Eden looked at her dad. "Appa."

"I might not be able to see you tonight, okay? So you have to be an extra good girl, okay?"

Eden looked at him but didn't respond. Jungkook knew it was useless to talk to her sometimes but he felt better when he did. She always tried her best to respond even if the only things she could say were appa, bite, and sah (meaning Sarah).


I'm open to suggestions on where this book should go.

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