Chapter Twenty Nine ~

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"Appa, no!" Eden squealed as she watched her dad leave the bedroom. Jungkook was now trying to break Eden of her separation anxiety. He heard her sniffle and her little whines before standing into the doorway again.

"Honey, you're going to have to calm down," Jungkook sighed. He walked over to her crib and picked her up, sitting her on his hip. "I'm going to have to leave sometimes."

Eden latched onto him, not wanting to leave his arms. "No."

"We need to go eat lunch, alright?" he began to walk out of the room and he made his way towards the kitchen. Jimin was gone, hanging out with Taehyung somewhere so Jungkook was left home alone to spend some time with his little girl. Namjoon had stopped by for a short visit earlier. He wanted to check up on his friend and make sure everything was alright.

"Have you ever thought about doing a DNA test?" Namjoon asked.

"If you're going to make a pun, please leave," Jungkook snipped, cleaning some dishes. The familiar song that he had sang over and over again countless times playing in his head.

Namjoon grinned. "No, I mean like seeing if Eden is really yours. Your girlfriend was a partier and you never know with those type of people."

Jungkook stopped. What if his little baby wasn't actually his? What if she was someone else's? What if she was the result of a drunk night or what if his girlfriend had been cheating on him? He looked over at the toddler who sitting on the floor with her toys. He had spent a lot time with this kid for her to not be his. If she wasn't his through blood, she was going to have to settle for an adoptive father. "If she wasn't, I would still take responsibility for her. Have you seen her when I'm gone? I wouldn't want to abandon her and make her cry."

Namjoon clutched his area of his shirt that was above his heart dramatically. "I'm soft."

Jungkook went to sit Eden in her stool but he stopped. "You know, why don't we go out? You only get to see this dismal apartment."


Eden liked swings. She didn't want to leave them. She cried almost as much as she would when her dad would leave her when Jungkook said that they needed to go. He enjoyed pushing her back and forth in the baby swing and the smile that always managed to make Jungkook's heart swell was pinned onto her face. He took plenty of pictures of her as she seemed to have the best time of her life.

And then they went to feed the ducks which she had a blast with. She probably wasted all the bread Jungkook had brought, but seeing her so happy made it all worth it. One nipped at her fingers and Eden had looked up at her dad with watery eyes as if she wanted reassurance as to how she should react. He had picked her up and kissed her small finger tips before waiting for the ice cream truck. When it finally made its round and Jungkook got an ice cream cone, he took Eden to the amphitheater so they could sit and share the ice cream.

"You've been a really, really good girl today, honey," Jungkook cooed as he watched Eden try to bite the cold ice cream. When it would hit her sensitive teeth, she would recoil, whining a bit before poking out her tongue and trying to eat it that way.

Jungkook received a lot of stares during this little day trip. He knew what they were all thinking. He could see the judging eyes glancing his way when they thought he wasn't looking. He didn't want to care, but he did. He was spending time with his daughter, what was so bad about it? What else was he supposed to do? Just keep her inside all the time and not let her experience things? He felt bad for always making her stay inside and not letting her get out. But he just needed to ignore them. He knew what was best for her, not them. And if they continued to judge him, then maybe he should judge them back.

"Are you ready to go home?" Jungkook asked. He wet his thumb and began to wipe off the sticky mess sticking to Eden's cheeks.

"Chim?" Eden's eyes were full of wonder as she looked up at her dad.

Jungkook grinned. "I don't know if he's back yet. He hasn't called me."

Eden pouted and then raised her arms up to be held. Jungkook walked over to the trash can nearby and disposed of the nibbled-on ice cream cone before he retrieved his daughter. "We need to run by the bathroom before we leave so you don't get fussy on the way home." And then the two made their way home happy grins.


Eden is heavily inspired after my ARMY-in-training cousin's little sister who is a lot cuter than the older one lol.

I want one.

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