Chapter Thirty ~

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Buckle up because things are going to hit the fan again.

I told you guys that I was going to mess with your emotions.

Also, I'm going to say this here because I know you're going to be stressed out at the end of this chapter. Thank you so much for answering my question in the last chapter! I really wanted to make sure I had all the main questions and stuff covered and not leave any blanks. If I still do when the end of the book comes around, maybe we can do a fun Q&A with the the characters lol. I always like those.

Alright. You may proceed to this scary chapter if you want. I tried to stall you as much as I could. The disaster happens in like, the first few paragraphs lol. Gooooooood luck.


Jungkook yawned and sat up in his bed. He stretched before looking at the time on the alarm clock. It was eight in the morning. He let himself wake up for a few more minutes before going over to the crib. He sighed, seeing it empty. Jimin must have gotten her already. Jungkook told himself to thank Jimin some time for always taking care of her when Jungkook was asleep or busy. He really needed the support sometimes. "Jimin-hyung," Jungkook started, his voice louder so his new roommate could hear him. He started on his way to the living room. "I just wanted to thank you for always getting Eden up and taking care of her. I really-"

Jungkook stopped in his tracks. His eyes went around the living room as his blood went cold. The silence of the room seemed to suffocate him as he realized something was horribly wrong.

Jimin wasn't awake. He was still curled up in the couch, sleeping peacefully. The big window Jungkook would sit with Eden at was slightly ajar. Things were tossed about and it looked like a robbery had happened. Panic surged through Jungkook's veins. "Eden?!" he tore through the apartment, searching high and low for his daughter.

Jimin was awoken by his friend's voice. He was confused since the tone of Jungkook's voice told him something was wrong. He stood up and followed the voice only to have Jungkook run out of a room and collide into his body.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jimin asked, seeing his friend in distress. He rubbed his forehead where Jungkook's chin had bumped into it.

"Eden's gone," Jungkook stuttered. "I can't find her anywhere and the window was open and I-I-I... I thought maybe you had woken her up already but no, you were still asleep."

Jimin rubbed his friend's shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay. Calm down. We can't figure out anything if you're all over the place."

Jungkook realized he had started crying and he wiped away his tears. "I'm a terrible father."

The shorter boy scoffed. "Oh, whatever. I'll call Jin and see if they're up. They can help us, I'm sure."

Jungkook nodded before something clicked in his brain. His quivering lips formed a scowl before he stomped into his room. His panicked emotion was now replaced with bubbling rage and his vision went red. "Jimin, don't call them. We're going over there ourselves."

"Are you sure? Maybe one of us should stay here," Jimin squeaked as he stood in the doorway of his friend's room.

"We're both going over to that dorm," Jungkook hissed. "I have to set a few things straight."


Jimin gasped as soon as Jungkook grabbed Hoseok by the collar. "How dare you think you can just come into my house and kidnap my daughter!"

Hoseok, having just woke up ten minutes ago, looked at Jungkook with fear in his eyes. "What? What do you mean?"

"What's going on, Jungkook?" Jin asked. He had been cooking breakfast when Jungkook had stormed in.

"I woke up this morning and Eden was gone," Jungkook growled. "The only person that would've done this is your stupid angel."

"I would never to that, Jungkook," Hoseok defended. "Why would I take your daughter? What use do I have for that?"

Jungkook dropped Hoseok and crossed his arms, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes. "You're the one who hates my guts. You're the one who wants to tear my whole life apart. Why wouldn't you?"

Hoseok sighed. "I know that, Jungkook. But stealing your daughter? I may have wronged you before, but that's a kid who had no part in this feud. I wouldn't get her involved."

"You're a great liar," Jungkook smirked and Hoseok rolled his eyes in response.

"Jungkook, just hear him out," Namjoon instructed. "There's no reason to start a fight like this without knowing any of the facts."

"I know the facts, hyung," Jungkook snapped. "The fact is that he kidnapped my daughter."

"I know your daughter is very young and dependent right now," Hoseok continued. "I wouldn't take her from you. I wouldn't hurt a kid like that. Especially as young as she is."

"Then where is she?" Jungkook cried.

"Sit down," Jimin suggested. Taehyung scooted up a chair to his younger friend and Jungkook plopped down, his head in his hands.

"I know you might not want me to, but I will help you find her," Hoseok stated. "If you really think I took her, maybe I can make it up to you by getting her back."

"Oh, you owe me a lot more than that," Jungkook shot back.

"He's really trying, Jungkook," Yoongi said. "Just let him help. And afterwards, if you still hate him, maybe you two can finally sort out your differences and figure out why this whole mess was started in the first place."

"We'll also help," Taehyung said, Jin and Namjoon nodding as well.

Jungkook sat there for a moment, thinking over everything before standing up. "Then I guess we're headed to the police station."

Yoongi nodded. "One of us should stay here just in case and another should stay at Jungkook's."

"I can stay here," Jin offered.

"And I can stay at his apartment," Taehyung added.

"Alright, then the rest of us will go with Jungkook," Yoongi continued. "Is that okay with you?"

Jungkook only nodded. "I just want to find her, hyung. I don't care how. I just want to find her."

"And we will," Jimin smiled. "Don't worry, Jungkookie."


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