Chapter Thirty One ~

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"I'm going to wring his neck out the next minute I can," Jungkook was muttering as he looked at Hoseok. The male that made Jungkook's blood boil was sitting the farthest away from the dad, his legs crossed as they sat waiting in the police station. His left leg was bouncing up and down, the heel elevated up from the ground. He looked nervous, and Jungkook suspected it was because he had done something (like kidnap baby Eden) and didn't want to be caught.

Jimin sighed, as he sat beside Jungkook. "Jungkook, I know you like to sit in your hatred and keep it stirred up, but it's affecting everyone, not just you and Hoseok. I'm getting tired of it."

Jungkook looked up, his brows furrowing. "I guess you want to move out then."

Jimin groaned, disrupting a few workers. They looked up from their work and seeing what was causing the ruckus before returning to their job. "You don't understand, Jungkook. You're going to have to get your head out of your butt hole sometime. Think of your daughter."

"I am," Jungkook hissed.

Jimin was already fed up. He hated this. Though, he had been kicked out of the dorm, it was because he was trying to be some type of mediator. And that month that had passed while Jungkook was waiting for a birth certificate left a lot of space for something to happen. Hoseok had recently said sorry to the group and said he was just going through a lot. Hoseok told them that he wanted to personally and privately say sorry to Jungkook, but every time someone brought up the male, Jungkook ignored what was said after it. "Just... if Hoseok asks you to talk to him, hear him out. Please."

"He can talk to my fist," the dad retorted.

Jimin frowned before getting up and walking out of the building. Jungkook felt a tinge of guilt. A few minutes passed and the four that were left sitting stayed quiet. The sound of fingers typing on keyboards was really the only thing that could be heard. Distant talking could be heard between coworkers. The door leading outside creaked open and Jimin came back in, plopping down in the seat he had been sitting in. "I shouldn't have brought that up now. You're really stressed right now. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, hyung," Jungkook murmured before he went back to the slouched position he had been in.


"Yeah, uh, I got up this morning around..." Jungkook pondered a moment as he sat in front of an investigator who held a notepad. His fingers tapped at the arm rest of the uncomfortable chair he bed been told to sit in. "I don't know, eight? 8:15? Somewhere around there. Anyways, I went over to my daughter's crib and she was gone. So I thought Jimin had gotten her up already but when I went to go check, he was still asleep and it looked like my house was robbed."

"Who's this Jimin?" the guy asked. He looked tired and he probably wished he was somewhere other than work.

"My roommate and friend, Park Jimin" Jungkook answered. "My daughter is Jeon Eden." Jungkook grabbed his phone from his pocket and tapped a few things before laying it on the desk in front of him. A picture of Jungkook's pride and joy was displayed on the screen. "That's her."

The investigator looked a picture of baby Eden and he made an amused noise, though his face said that he was rather unimpressed. "Cute." He went back to his notepad before looking back at Jungkook. "Think you know anyone who has some kind of motive?"

"Yes," Jungkook stated but stopped. The man raised an eye brow after a few seconds, seeing Jungkook hesitate, as he was now waiting for a name. Did Jungkook really want to rat out Hoseok? Maybe he didn't do it. Maybe Jungkook just wanted an excuse to get Hoseok in trouble as well as pay back for causing Jungkook all this stress. He looked up out of the windows in the office to peer into the waiting room. The four that were left behind were quietly sitting, as they had been when Jungkook went to talk to the detective. "No." But you do know. "I don't know."

The investigator wrote down something else before sighing. He stood up and looked at Jungkook, the weary expression still painted on his face. "Everything will be okay. Please remain calm. We'll get your daughter back."

"Please hurry," Jungkook muttered. "I... I've raised her on my own for almost two years. I can't loose her. She's my everything."

The investigator smiled. For once, there was another expression painted on his face other than bored. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find her in no time, Mr. Jeon."


or will they? lol

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