Chapter Fourteen ~

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Jungkook finished putting the last of Eden's gifts away in the drawers of her black dresser. His friends had finally left after many hours of talking and laughing. Eden, along with her dad, were both tired and ready for bed.

Jungkook went to the kitchen to clean up the dirty dishes when he noticed the plain envelope on the counter. He picked it up and traced his name that was written sloppily on the front. He didn't want to open it but he figured he should. He went to the table and sat down, breaking the envelope's seal and sliding a paper out.

Jungkook propped his feet up on the table and skimmed over the letter.

"Congratulations on your daughter? Is that the right way to word it? Either way, you get what I mean. I'm sure you love her quite a bit to put your career at stake. And look. It was taken away just like it deserves to be. You probably expected this to be some apology letter right? No, not exactly. I just want to get a few things straight.

"I only did this to benefit me. If you've been looking for someone else to blame, you can blame Sarah for telling me everything. But I wouldn't have told if wasn't for you being the brat you really are. Always getting everything you want. Always being the center of attention. Always being better than everybody. We all know how it was supposed to be me. But you stole the title from me so you could sit pretty on the throne.

"You know Bangtan is better off without you. I don't care how many people tell you it's not. How do you think everyone feels knowing that their favorite idol has hidden away a kid? Had sex? Had a girlfriend and he kept it under lock and key? I hope they feel just as betrayed as you do, pretty boy. At least their new idol has nothing up their sleeve. I'm a blank sheet.

"I dare you to try to get your job back. Manager-nim likes me now. I'm his best singer, dancer, and rapper. I'm innocent, unlike you. I've earned the top spot. And you can do nothing to gain back your title. I have it and I won't give it to anyone, especially you."

At the end was Hoseok's signature, bold and neat like always.

Jungkook frowned and stood up to trash the letter. He finished his original task with cleaning the dishes. Once they were spotless he found Eden who was watching the TV with enchanted eyes, mouth open as she stared at the bright screen. She looked at her dad and closed her mouth before whining and raising her arms up to him. He smiled softly as he picked her up. "It's bed time, baby." He turned off the TV and went to walk to his room but Eden screeched.

"Blanky," she cried, pointing to the discarded cloth on the floor. She rubbed her eyes as she sniffled and Jungkook went back to pick it up. He shut off all the lights before he made his way to his room. He performed the nightly ritual him and Eden had before turning off the lights. Eden lay in her crib, fast asleep and Jungkook lay in his bed for a few minutes in the darkness to make sure she wasn't still awake.

"Things are going to get better."


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