Chapter Twenty ~

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"Appa?" a small voice asked and Jungkook felt his hair being slightly pulled. A small hand patted his cheek and a finger poked his closed eye lid. "Appa!" A thud was heard and then a flurry of hands started to smack Jungkook on the head.

"I'm up, Eden, I'm up," Jungkook chuckled, opening his eyes to see his daughter sitting beside him. She had been changed into another pair of pajamas and he looked up to see his mom standing in the doorway.

"I've already fed and changed her," Mrs. Jeon smiled. "I heard her crying so I came in and took care of her."

"Ah, thank you," Jungkook mumbled, stretching. "And then you let her abuse me?"

"You did the same to me and your dad so it's only fair," his mother giggled.

Eden grabbed Jungkook's hand and stood up before pulling him over to the door. "Gog!"

"Dog? Did you see a dog?" Jungkook asked, getting up and letting Eden lead him past his mom and over to the stairs. Jungkook picked up Eden at the top of the stairs and she pointed down to the living room. "Gog, gog, gog."

"There was one on TV earlier and she's been taking about it since," his mom said as she walked behind them down the stairs.

"So are you doing anything today?" Jungkook asked, looking back at his mom.

"Well you're dad has to go to work, but I was planning on going to the store," his mom replied. "It would be good for the two of you to stay home or go out. Since you're leaving soon, you know?"

Jungkook nodded. "I'll think about it."

"Your dad said he didn't have much luck convincing you to stay," his mom said.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Jungkook growled. "I'm still debating."

"If it's taking you this long to decide, maybe it's best if you stay," his mom noted.

"I said that I would rather not talk about it," he hissed.

His mom nodded. "I'll be heading out in a few minutes. Call me if you decide to go anywhere."


"You're going to hate me," Jungkook murmured as he watched Eden run past him. He was lying on the living room floor of his parent's, watching his daughter as she ran to and fro. Eden disappeared for a few moments and Jungkook listened to the eerie silence. "Eden? Where'd you go?"

As if on cue, a plastic ball hit Jungkook on the forehead and a roar giggles exploded from behind him.

"Did you hit daddy?" he asked, rolling over to see his daughter picking up another toy of hers. He sat up, crossing his legs. "I guess this could be my pay back for making fun of Jin all the time."

Eden walked over to her dad and wrapped her arms around his neck. She stepped on his legs, despite Jungkook groaning from the sudden weight, and crawled into his lap. She said a few random baby phrases before she looked up to her dad and said the word she had been searching for:

"Uh... doy?"

Jungkook looked at his daughters big brown eyes. "Let's see... are you meaning toy?" he asked. He leaned forward and grabbed the nearest stuffed animal which happened to be a gray kitty. He waved it in front of her. "Toy?"

Eden nodded her head, her brown hair falling in front of her eyes. She hastily grabbed at it, huffing out of annoyance, and pushed it to side before grabbing the plush. She sat down in her dad's lap and sat comfortably, her head on his chest and she played with the kitty in her small hands. Jungkook smiled as he watched her and he felt as though he could sit like this with his daughter for hours. But his phone rang and he sighed as he got up to fetch it off the coffee table.

He stood up and fixed Eden in his arms and he took a step to get his phone when Eden started crying. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and saw his daughter's face scrunched up and wet as she cried. She kicked her feet around and pointed to the ground and Jungkook noticed the gray plush on the ground. He bent down and picked it up and Eden grabbed at it. He let her take it and he felt relieved once her tears subsided. He then turned to his phone and answered it.

"You can't leave Eden behind," Jimin gasped and it was easy to tell he was out of breath.

"This again?" Jungkook groaned. "What's your reason?"

"Hoseok only wants you to," Jimin panted. "He said he only wants to tear you down right? That's exactly what he's doing, and you're just playing into him."

"And how did you come up with this?" Jungkook asked as he began bouncing Eden on his hip.

"I don't know," Jimin answered. "We were just practicing and I could tell Tae was getting upset when Hoseok started singing your part and then I thought of you which made me think of Eden and-"

"You're talking fast again," Jungkook interrupted.

"You just can't leave her!" Jimin exclaimed. "If you do, I'm going to march down there to Busan and adopt her!"

Jungkook chuckled. "You think you can handle her?"

"I know I could! But anyways, Hoseok only wants you to reach your lowest point. He probably wants to do something you'll regret and you're only playing into his scheme."

"You're actually smart," Jungkook smirked.

"Did you think I wasn't?!"

"So what am I supposed to do? Go back to Seoul with Eden and starve or something?"

"I'll take care of you, Jungkookie. You need to trust me more! Plus, I'm sure the others would, too," Jimin explained. "I was even looking for places that need a cute-former-boy-band-member to work for them."

"You're so weird."

"Weird but smart."

"I'm still thinking, Jimin," Jungkook concluded. "You're probably right but I have to think about Eden first, not revenge."

"Either way, I know I can get you fixed up. Just you wait!"



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