Chapter Thirty Five ~

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"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, seeing his daughter peek into the bathroom behind the door. Jungkook had left her in the bedroom while he got ready for the day. He expected his daughter to jump back or walk away since she had been caught, but instead she pushed through the door and asked to be held.

"Up!" she said, raising her arms up towards her father. Jungkook told her it would be a minute as he was brushing his teeth. When he was finished, he picked her up like she wanted and went to the living room. Jimin had already left for practice, so it was just Jungkook and Eden.

Jungkook quickly fixed himself and his daughter breakfast and when Eden was done, he set her down in the living room to play with her toys. He sat on the couch and got on his phone and called someone he hadn't talked to in a while.

"Hello?" Sarah answered. She sounded a bit annoyed and Jungkook heard someone yelling in the background.

"Was this a bad time to call?" Jungkook asked, thinking he interrupted something.

"No," she replied, sighing. "I'm babysitting. Like always. What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," Jungkook said, watching as Eden walked up to him. She did her "up" motions again and Jungkook picked her up and sat her on the couch. "But first, thank you for saving Eden."

"It was no trouble," Sarah dismissed. "That girl wasn't anyone I recognized and when I heard Eden crying, I figured something was up. I would've came to you but-"

"-You didn't want me to accuse you," Jungkook finished.

Sarah hesitated before muttering a "yeah."

"I probably would have," Jungkook admitted. "I'm not going to lie about that. But Hoseok and I had a talk before-hand which cleared up a few things."

"That's good," Sarah said, not exactly knowing what to say at the moment.

"He explained why he did everything, but I wanted to know why you told," Jungkook continued. "He said it was because you thought I was probably acting weird towards the guys and that you just wanted to help. But I wanted to hear it from your mouth, too, since I can't exactly trust Hoseok like I used to, you know."

Jungkook heard Sarah sigh. "He was right. When he asked me to meet him, I wondered why. Hoseok told me he wanted to know what had been up with you lately. He said that you had been telling them that you were my boyfriend, and I just figured you were trying to cover up Eden somehow. Maybe your managers were around and you were trying to talk about Eden and you had to mask it. I thought you had told them about Eden, Jungkook, so I didn't exactly understand why Hoseok was all surprised when I told him about her."

"I told you that they didn't know," Jungkook defended.

"I know, I know," she sighed. "I remember now. But the way you said things sometimes, I just thought that maybe at least one of them knew. And when Hoseok was wondering why you were leaving so much, I thought you had been abandoning them for Eden or something. I just wanted to help. I didn't know that he was just going to use that information to get you kicked out."

So Hoseok was telling the truth. "And you never told me that Hoseok asked you about all this? That he paid you to get information?"

"I gave him the money back the day you got kicked out. I hadn't spent any of it and I didn't intend to in the first place," Sarah said. "And like I said, I thought maybe they knew about Eden so no red flags were set off. And then when Hoseok called me saying that he got you kicked out of Bangtan, I was shocked. I didn't know that he was going to use all that against you. And then you barged in and I realized that I just made one of the worst mistakes in my life."

Eden climbed into Jungkook's lap as he talked on the phone and he played with her hair. "I just have a hard time believing why you wouldn't have told me straight away."

"I guess I didn't think anything about it. I just thought he was a concerned friend, wondering why you kept disappearing or why you neglected them for some odd reason," Sarah explained.

"And you told me that I wouldn't understand why you told," Jungkook went on. "What was that about?"

"I've known you since elementary school, Jungkook," she said. "I know you quite well and I knew that you wouldn't be able to understand, especially since you were so angry.

"I didn't really want to tell at first, in case he didn't know," Sarah added. "But then with the way you said things, I just remembered what you had said in the past and I thought he did know and was just confused. And I know how you're secretive sometimes, so I thought I could help out."

"So the money he offered you just meant nothing?" Jungkook was trying his best to get to the bottom of everything, but everything still seemed like a mystery to him.

"Pretty much," Sarah responded. "I didn't really understand why he was paying me and you know how I am when people give me money. I planned to give it back when I saw him again, which would be the night you got kicked out, and if he didn't take it back, then I was going to spend it on Eden and help you out with rent and stuff, considering you didn't have a job anymore. But seeing how angry you were with me, I thought that no matter what I did, you wouldn't accept any of my help."

"Well, thanks for explaining everything on your part," Jungkook murmured. "I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, of course," Sarah said. "How's Eden, by the way? Is she doing okay?"

Jungkook nodded, but he realized Sarah wouldn't be able to see it. "Yeah, she's doing well. It's been a while since you've spent any time with her, huh?"

"Is she just as chubby as she used to be? I didn't really get to see her that much yesterday. Just looked her over real quick," Sarah giggled.

Jungkook grinned. "Yep. How have you been?"

"Okay, I guess," Sarah answered. "Still babysitting. I've got to go now, though. Maybe we can check up later? Get more stuff explained?"

"That's sounds good," Jungkook said. "Talk to you later."

"Yep. Bye."

"Bye, Sarah."


Sarah is actually inspired after the friend I've talked about in my sibling books named "Elsa." I didn't intend for her to get on Jungkook's bad side, since Elsa is the sweetest girl you can meet, so I tried make it seem like she was just helping out.

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