Chapter Nine ~

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Jungkook punched Taehyung's arm as they joked around at practice. "I would never wear a dress, Tae."

"Just an idea," Taehyung chuckled before tapping Jin on the shoulder. "When is Hoseok getting back?"

"He just went to the bathroom," Jin said. He looked at clock on the wall. "He should be back by now."

"Maybe he fell in," Jimin piped up. "Who knows with him."

"That's something Taehyung would do," Namjoon noted. "Not Hoseok."

"Yeah, probably," Taehyung agreed, giggling.

The six boys continued to talk until a girl knocked on the door of the practice room. She stuck her head in and smiled. "Your manager would like to speak with Jungkook, please."

"Someone's in trouble," Yoongi joked.

"I'll be back," Jungkook stated as he walked out of the practice and room and followed the girl to his manager's office. They walked down many hallways before they arrived at the place they were looking for. She opened the door and he stepped in. A tense atmosphere was present and Jungkook looked over to see Hoseok sitting in one of the black chairs in front of their manager's desk. He had no emotion and Jungkook suddenly felt intimated by an unknown presence.

"Please sit down, Jungkook," his manager motioned to the other chair in the front of his desk.

Jungkook obeyed, looking over at Hoseok from the corner of his eye for some clarification as to why he was here.

"I have been informed about some things you have done," his manager spoke, his voice loud and booming. "I would like to clear these up with you and what your punishment will be for breaking the rules I have given Bangtan."

Jungkook listened intently. But I haven't done anything. What have I done that was so bad to make me be here?

"Starting with your first action, you had a girlfriend, am I correct?" His manager's eyes stared into his, burning holes into them.

"Um, yes, I did," Jungkook answered. "But that was what? Two years ago?"

"That doesn't matter. I told you guys from the start to have no relationships." His manager crossed his arms on the desk, leaning forward with a stern look in his eyes. "Next, you had sexual relations with that girl."

Jungkook nodded. He couldn't speak anymore. He bit his tongue in fear.

"And now, you have a kid, right? A daughter?"

"Yes, I do," Jungkook whimpered. He felt like a criminal at trial. He felt ashamed.

His manager sighed. "I'm sorry that I have to do this. Bangtan will not be the same without you, but I'm afraid that this is necessary. I can't trust you now, can I?"

Jungkook felt himself shrink as his manager stood up. He stayed quiet as the man in front of him spoke. "You can no longer be a part of Bangtan. No more practices, no more performing, nothing."

Hoseok turned to Jungkook and Jungkook connected the puzzle pieces. "How did you find out?" he asked, in a small whisper, looking at Hoseok pleadingly.

"Mr. Jeon, please leave my office," his manager instructed.

"How did you know?!" Jungkook got up and grabbed Hoseok by the collar. Blood boiled inside of his as he gripped the cloth in his hands. "How did you find out?!"

Hands grabbed Jungkook's shoulders before he could hurt his former band mate. They pried him off of Hoseok and pulled him away, out of that horrendous office. Jungkook felt tears prick his eyes. He wanted to know how Hoseok knew. He wanted to know how he was able to snitch. He wanted to know why he snitched.

He stormed to the practice room and grabbed his things. He fumbled with his backpack as his friends asked what was wrong.

"Are you okay, Kookie?" Jimin asked, laying a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook only pushed it away forcefully, as more tears fell.

"I'm not okay," Jungkook growled. He looked up and went to leave until he saw Hoseok enter the practice room. "And it's his fault."

"Hoseok? What did he do?" Jin asked. "What's going on?"

"That bastard snitched," Jungkook cried.

"Maybe you need to leave," Namjoon said, taking Jungkook's arm and gently guiding him to the exit.

Jungkook wrung free of Namjoon's grasp and ran off. You're acting like a kid, Jungkook, he told himself. Stop acting like a spoiled brat.

Jungkook got to his car and flung the door open before he got in and slammed the door shut behind him. He jabbed the car keys into the ignition before racing to Sarah's house. She would be able to help him. She would be able to calm him down.


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