Chapter Twenty Eight ~

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"My mom always said that I loved going to the doctor's," Jimin murmured as he sat beside Jungkook. His eyes roamed around the childish room. He looked at the small TV that played some cartoon and the rainbow-colored chairs lining the walls in the waiting room. A few other parents sat around, their kids in the corner of the room with the toy box.

Jungkook sighed as he clicked the pen over and over again, the ink covered tip poking out simultaneously. He had finally gotten Eden's birth certificate after a month of waiting. Nothing too extreme had happened during that time. Everything was just as it had been before. "'What's the mother's name?'" he read off the paper that was clipped to the board he held in his shaky hands. "Do I really have to answer some of these things?"

"Just be truthful," Taehyung said. He was across from the dad. Eden sat in his lap, the yellow dress she wore sticking out as Taehyung was wearing darker colors. He had decided to tag along, ready to be an extra hand with whatever help Jungkook would need with his daughter's first doctor visit.

Jungkook quickly wrote down Eden's mother's name and then proceeded to fill out the information, skipping the ones he couldn't answer.

"Do you think she's going to like it?" Jimin asked, keeping his eyes on the little girl.

Jungkook shrugged. "You know she's nervous around new people."

"She'll be fine," Taehyung cooed as he pet the small child's hair.

"I hope so," Jungkook sighed, flipping over a page on the clipboard. "'Has your child ever visited another doctor before?' Nope." Jungkook checked off a box before whining. "Can I call Jin-hyung and get him to do this for me?"

"Surely it isn't that hard, Jungkookie," Jimin said he took the clipboard. His eyes scanned the papers before he shot a disapproving look at his friend. "Jungkook, how do you spell Eden's name?"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, confused.

Jimin showed the paper to Jungkook, pointing to where Eden's name had been writing down in messy handwriting. "E-E-D-A-N? I know it's not a big difference, but it's going to be okay, Jungkook. Just calm down."

"I can't," Jungkook pouted, slumping down in the lime green chair he sat in.

"Your dad's silly," Taehyung chuckled, planting several small kisses on his friend's daughter's chubby cheeks. "You know that right though, huh angel?"

"Oh, Tae!" Jimin exclaimed. "I didn't even get a chance to come up with a nickname!"

Taehyung stuck his tongue out. "Looks like she's been mine the entire time!"

"Would you two stop with that?" Jungkook butt in, a few chuckles escaping his lips. "We've been over this several times."

"And our conclusion every time is that she's mine, obviously," Jimin giggled.

"I swear," Jungkook hissed before leaning over and throwing a few hits at Jimin who fought back playfully. A few other parents that were waiting in the room for their kids to be checked up glanced at the two, sending odd looks of confusion and second hand embarrassment.

"He's embarrassing, too," Taehyung whispered to little girl. "And to think, I was with him practically 24/7. People probably thought I was like, his care giver or something because he's so dumb."

"Stop feeding my child lies," Jungkook said, narrowing his eyes at Taehyung.

The male only chuckled. "She's knows it's true, though."

Eden only giggled as she has finally succeeded at pulling a loose thread out of Taehyung's sweater.

"Okay, Jimin, you have got to stop distracting me," Jungkook stated, getting situated in his seat once again. "I have to get this done."

"How am I distracting you?!" Jimin shrieked. "Taehyung is, too!"

"Actually," the mentioned started, "I'm babysitting."

"He's not being loud like you are," Jungkook chided.

Jimin gasped. "Fine then! See how you like it when I adopt Eden for real!"

And once again, the two threw a few playful hits at one another.


"Well, Mr. Jeon," the doctor, Dr. Oh, began. She held several papers in her hands and her brown eyes scanned the words printed on them. "Looks like little Eden here is all healthy and happy!"

Eden was still sniffling and shedding tears from the shots she had been given. Little band-aids that had kittens and bunnies printed on them were displayed on her arms as she held on tight to her dad's body as best she could for comfort. "That's good," was all Jungkook could say due to his fast heartbeat. He was terrified that she would have some sort of incurable disease or some rare deformity.

Dr. Oh smiled, her pearly teeth reflected the bright lights of the small room. "So are there any questions you have about anything?"

"She's fine, right?" Jungkook asked immediately, finally releasing the inner fears that were trapped inside of him. He didn't say anything about them to his two friends who were waiting outside in the waiting room.

The doctor chuckled. "She's as good as she could possibly be." The doctor pat Eden's head and the child didn't respond. I know you're nice, but I just can't help be scared. You might prick me again!

The woman sighed. "She's such a sweetie. Anyways, you might want to schedule another appointment sometime. It's better to keep checking up on her and making sure she's healthy. I'm quite surprised, actually. Not a single visit to the doctor and she's in great health. You sure are a great dad!"

Jungkook chuckled nervously. "Yeah, uh, I guess. Thank you."

"No problem!" the doctor responded rather cheerfully. "Why don't we chat a little bit more about Eden's next appointment and make sure you're feeding her what she needs. From her great health, though, I assume you are doing a fine job."


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