Chapter 11--Something Forced, Something Fake

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"We're so glad you're here Penny," Beth says brightly. I'm in the middle of brushing my teeth when Penny walks into our dorm. She's already wearing her pajamas and she quickly gives us both a big smile.

I spit out into our dorm sink and say, "Thanks for deciding to stay the night."

"Of course!" Penny sets her bag down on the ground by the futon that Beth and I pulled out. "Thanks for inviting me you guys."

"Ugh," Beth says from the top of her bunk. She jumps down with her laptop and situates it on one of the stands. "I'm so excited for the game tomorrow."

Just at the sound of the soccer game I instantly feel nervous yet excited. Vincent managed to convince another club team to come and play against them for our fundraiser. The girls' soccer team is going to watch along with a lot of people on campus. If we don't raise enough money and spread the word during this game I don't know what else we're going to do.

Logan has been driving us crazy with our small dance during half-time. Johnny—who's into technical stuff—came over during the week to figure out what to play during our dance. I'm so glad that all my friends are helping out. Dancing has never been a team sport for me which is why finally having people to lean against is a new yet marvelous feeling.

"Are we going to watch this movie or not?" I ask as I walk towards the girls. We've all been wanting to watch a horror together. I love horror movies. Vincent hates them. Girls love it when guys try to be strong and confident while watching a horror movie. I promise watching your boyfriend pee his pants is even better.

The first time Vincent and I watched a horror was back in high school. He tried to act all tough, but as the movie progressed the more he would hide behind a pillow until finally he screamed and pulled the blanket over his head. I will never forget that moment. I was laughing so hard I fell off of the couch and had tears streaming down my face.

"It's not funny Harp," Vincent said throwing the pillow in my direction. "Nothing should ever jump at you like that."

"Your face," I said clutching onto my stomach. "I wish you could have seen...your face!"

"I'm not going to sleep tonight," Vincent muttered under his breath.

"Aw," I cooed at him. "Don't worry. I'll protect you Vinny."

I found out that Beth is a huge fan of horror movies. And Penny hasn't seen that many. The three of us agreed to get together the night before the game and have a girl's night out. Penny is always busy with her sorority outings. I'm glad she finally found some time to do something with us. Recently, I've been busy doing everything with the Misfits and Beth has her own life going on. The three of us getting together makes me happier than normal.

"I brought the popcorn," Penny says as she pulls a bag out of her backpack. We all grab blankets and bundle together on the futon. I sit between my girls and click play.

The whole movie we're munching on our food and occasionally commenting on the characters. Penny is the one that comments the most. Between saying, "That's not natural."

Or, "Oh my God what the heck is happening?"

Whereas Beth would admire the hot guys. "He's cute," She'd say. "I hope he doesn't die."

"Dammit," She would say an hour later. "He died."

There were moments in the movie where jump scares caused Beth and Penny to hide behind the covers. I kept my eyes glued to the screen. The adrenaline running through me keeps me latched on. The best thing about horror movies is the way the characters react. I can picture being an actress and having to scream bloody murder at a green screen. Over all though, the best feeling is the aftermath. You stay in place once the movie is over, too afraid to move because something might get you.

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