Chapter 21.5--Even Dancing Doesn't Relieve This Tension

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For once in my life I don't feel like a complete mess. It may be because I'm surrounded by pandemonium. Everyone is running around. A few people are shouting at each other with fear laced behind their voices. While I'm just chilling behind the scenes.

Dan almost started crying because he messed up his eyeliner. Kris says her outfit doesn't make her boobs look big enough. Mikala just seems to be internally imploding—hating everything and everyone around her. Only Harper looks relatively calm but that's because she has to manage the small kids so freaking out isn't an option for her.

Overall, I feel like Harry and Ron during that scene in Harry Potter where they're simply standing by. People will walk past me, and I'll simply stay still and watch.

Tina had really thought it through. There's only five of us in the Misfits group. But all the fliers we put up around campus advertised us or The Grinch. Which is why she split the recital. The first part is what the parents are expecting. Kids, children, a few young teens performing for their family and friends. I'm so glad I don't have to be a part of that. If I had to step onto stage in front of everyone in a leotard I'd die. One of the many reasons I love hip-hop: pants.

All the parents that came to see The Grinch and the Misfits paid a few bucks more. During the prolonged intermission, sales for my Weridos begins. Even though from what I understand, people are already buying tickets right now just outside the door.

"Hey Lo," Kris walks up to me in her outfit. She doesn't have any dress changes like Dan and Harper. Meaning, she's already in her hip-hop uniform. Kris winks, "I'll jingle your bells."

"Wow," I say as Mikala joins us. I look between them, eyeing their outfits. For the most part, they're wearing black. But it's funny seeing them match for once. "It's like watching the Christmas scene from Mean Girls all over again."

"Fuck you," Mikala snaps making sure no young children are around.

I roll my eyes but let out a small laugh. Before I can add on, Dan appears next to us. He volunteered to help out with the kids meaning he's wearing his own leotard. "Holy shit," He says with excitement. "Did you see who's sitting front row?"

I raise my eyebrows, my curiosity getting to me. We all quietly walk to the end of the stage and pop our heads out of the curtain. I recognize a few people, parents of some of the kids. My eyes travel down front row and a smile instantly wraps around my lips. Looks like Blake Parris showed up after all. On both his sides are his daughters, holding some popcorn and candy.

"What are you guys doing?" Harper asks behind us. We all look away from the curtain. She's wearing a white leotard with a tutu and her pointe shoes over her shoulders. Her face caked in enough make up to make even Sephora jealous.

"Blake Parris is here," Dan says.

"He's hot," Kris adds licking her lips. "You know, for a dad."

Harper's gaze locks on mine, a broad smile taking over. "He came?" She asks pushing us away to look. "And he brought Mallory and Velvet!"

"Alright you guys," Tina touches Kris and Mikala's arm. Her eyes landing on me. "You three need to go to the back. We're about to start the show."

We do as we're told, heading backstage and taking seats on the small sofas provided. During The Grinch, I leave backstage to peek and see what's going on. Harper has to go out with the Munchkins. I'm pretty sure Vincent is already out there, watching as she corrals the kids on and off stage with Dan's help. He's basically stage crew along with a few teenagers. Throughout the performance, they all move props around. Overall, it was a pretty great show. I've just never been one about ballet. I respect the dance style, it's just not for me.

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