Chapter 16.5--Dirty Dancing 2.0

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I don't understand why Logan is freaking out so much. Or why the rest of the Misfits are acting like this is going to be some epic party. I've been to all sorts of parties. The kind in high school where kids decide to get wasted in the basement. The frat parties and sorority parties. Hell, Mrs. Sanders used to throw tea parties. I think I'm covered. But I don't mind them being protective. 

I keep my hand in Logan's to reassure him I'm not going anywhere. I don't know why I decided to place my hand in his but I'm glad I did. He's not as warm as I thought he'd be. His hand is cold and rough. I guess I expected it to be warm and soft. Either way, when he squeezes my hand back I smile.

We take the first steps onto the porch until we see the sign that's been taped to the door, Don't Ring The Fucking Doorbell And Close The Fucking Door. Logan smirks and uses his free hand to ring the doorbell anyways. "You're a dumbass Lo," Mikala rolls her eyes.

"I doubt they can hear you," Dan adds.

"Tell me not to do something and I'm going to do it," Logan replies.

Kris steals the opportunity and perks up, "Don't fuck me into oblivion."

Logan rolls his eyes, "Open the door Mikala."

Mikala reaches for the door handle and pushes the door open. Fog literally flows out of the house at our feet. The music gets significantly louder. Honestly, I expected this place to be packed. It looks kind of empty but that's also the reason it's creepier. Then again, I can't see anything because there's too much fake fog and smoke so I have no way of telling if there are more people inside.

Kris and Dan hurry into the house after Sur walks in. Mikala looks back at Logan and I. Her eyes land on our linked hands before she glances up at Lo. "Keep an eye on her," Mikala says. "If you need me, I'll be in the garage."

Mikala disappears—literally—into the white smoke and lights. The scent starts to hit me more the longer we stand outside the open door. It's a strong incense that's clouding my sense of smell fast. Logan gives my hand a tug and leads me inside.

"What's in the garage?" I ask just as Logan closes the door behind us. The beat of the music makes the floor I'm standing on shake. The vibrations rake through my body and I'm somewhat glad I didn't eat anything except a few candy bars from the fair.

"Quick rundown," Logan leads us down a clouded hallway. I can barely see anything. The combination of flashing lights in the darkness along with the fog is giving everything a haze. "The garage is where everyone goes to get high. Weed, hookahs, but not intense shit. Blue doesn't allow it. The kitchen is known as the LGBT bar because that's where you'll find all the rainbows. The dining room is nicknamed the fuck-buddy room. If anyone wants to get laid tonight, they'll be there. Living room is a chill area. Upstairs is where everyone from the dining room goes. And the entire basement is the dance floor."

We walk past a small closet to what looks like the living room. And I finally get what the big deal is. There aren't a lot of people, but they're all misfits. I've been to parties where everyone is overcrowded. If anything, this place has just the right amount of guests. The misfits standing around in the living room look just like Mikala and Logan.

A few girls stare at me for a moment and I try my hardest not to cringe and look back. They have the same deadly stare Mikala always has. Their bodies are tattooed and pierced. One guy turns around and I see the tattoos on his face. Some of them are dressed up. This one girl looks like an actual vampire. I don't mean the sparkling kind from Twilight. I mean the creepy, I'm going to drain your blood kind. Then a few guys have their faces painted like skeletons. If someone isn't wearing some sort of costume, they've at least put fake blood on them.

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