Chapter 20--Whipping That Whipped Cream

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I missed him. I mean...I know I shouldn't have but I did. Kind of like the feeling you get when you really miss being around someone. While I was at the Sanders, there were small things that kept reminding me of him. Certain jokes or objects. When Mrs. Sanders pulled out whipped cream from the fridge for our pancake breakfast special, I half expected Logan to spring up with joy. And then I'd remember I was will the Sanders. Not with Logan.

"You alright?" Bethany asks me from her bunk. We've both made it back on campus. Vincent's gone to practice, and I needed to just think for a while. Beth was in the middle of watching some TV when she pulled out her earbud and frowns at me. "Harper, you good?"

"Yeah," I nod in her direction even though I'm not. I shouldn't be thinking this right? I mean...Lo and I. We're just friends. I keep repeating those words in my head. I turn around in my bed only to face several of the pictures of Vincent and I together. A small warm smile creeps up on my face.

I hate myself so much right now. I'm being a terrible girlfriend and a terrible friend. This isn't how I'm supposed to be thinking. I shouldn't be drawn to two people at once. That's so...cliché. Maybe I should talk to someone about it. But who? Bethany will undoubtedly blab to Penny. I can't talk to the Misfits either. Everyone is going to be biased no matter what.

It's a moment like this I really wish my mom or grandmother was still around. I like to think they would give me advice. Maybe one of them had gone through a similar situation. And even if they hadn't, they would support me and give me their best guidance. I can't even talk to Mrs. Sanders and it kills me.

I keep tossing and turning all night. When morning finally arrives, I'm glad I have dance to go and take my mind off. I quickly get dressed and duck out of my room before Beth has a chance of waking up.

I pull my jacket closer as I start walking down Bloom Boulevard. The weather is really starting to get colder. Especially the mornings and evenings. Occasionally, we'll get a spike and it'll be a beautiful 'warmish' day. But from here on out, it's going to be cold up till spring.

I'm not a big fan of winter. I mean, I love the clothes and the cuddling inside and watching movies. But spring and fall are by far my favorite. The colors make everything look amazing. I'm also not a big sucker for Christmas so maybe that's also why I dislike winter. Wherever you go it's like Santa Claus is following you.

Once I see the dance studio, I smile and quickly sprint towards it. When I walk inside, I realize I've interrupted Logan and Tina's conversation. I give them both a hesitant smile. My eyes land on Logan who smiles back. I look away because my hands suddenly feel sweaty.

"Glad you made it," Tina chirps happily. "We were just talking about you."

"What's up?" I ask taking my spot next to Logan. He quickly stuffs his hands in his pocket even though he gives me a soft smile.

"We were discussing what auditorium to use for the recital," Tina says. "We need to start rehearsing on the stage we'll be using."

"I told her we could ask the University to use their dance auditorium," Logan says his eyes on me. "What do you think?"

I lick my lips and think about the auditorium. It's close by. The parents of the kids I teach wouldn't have any trouble finding it. The stage is also relatively big. More importantly, back stage is big enough and has a room I can watch over the kids with. With a few parent volunteers, it could work. Plus, because it's the university's auditorium, there are plenty of seats in the audience. More than any other auditorium around here.

"Do you think we could do it?" I ask Logan skeptically. "It'll work but can we get the auditorium reserved for certain hours and the nights of the show?"

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