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- The psychotic robot who will take Lay and EXO's power. Once this robot gets all their powers, it will be able to destroy EXOPLANET.

- the world leader of EXOPLANET
- he created EXO
- keeper of the power orbs
- assigned Suho to be the leader of EXO

- a group that consists of 12 guys from EXOPLANET. Each individual has it's own superpower. But sadly, it lost 3 members during the first, second, and third war.

- has the power to fly
- used to hate oily foods like fried chicken but once EXO members forced him to eat, he fell in love with it
- lost in the first war

- has the power of telepathy and can control one's mind
- often mistaken to be a girl
- lost in the second war

- has the power of time control
- scared of ghosts and is easily fascinated from "pretty" stuffs
- lost in the third war

- has the power of healing
- forgetful
- he could heal others but have a hard time healing himself

- has the power of snow/frost
- addicted to coffee
- the earliest one to wake up

- has the power of thunder/electricity
- he is a troll and loves to trip on other members
- he uses his lovely voice sometimes to trap their enemy.

- has the power of teleportation
- he could go anywhere he like, even inside D.O's private room
- often teased when there's no electricity

- has the power of force/ earthquakes
- deadliest member, he hides knife under his pillow
- he has lots of secrets

- has the power of wind/air
- with just a stare, he could take your breath away - literally
- he loves bubble drinks

- has the power of water
- he is the leader of EXO
- he is the one in charge to discipline the members, especially the "BEAGLES"
- ready to sacrfice his pride and all of him for the sake of EXO

- has the power of fire
- get's surprised with almost everything
- his greatest dream is to see D.O's room

- has the power of light
- loves to play with the other members especially Chanyeol
- breaks the wall between the other members

- consists of Chen, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol

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