EPISODE 4: Overdose

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Lay, Chanyeol, and Chen called everyone for a short family meeting. When they were all seated, Lay announced something important. "We lost 3 members who has same nationality as mine. I know that some of you might be wondering if I will ever leave too."

All the members listened to him carefully. Suho felt nervous about this short meeting.

"I just want to clear something. I am not leaving EXO and I will never do it." Lay said truthfully. "I hope you all can trust me."

Chanyeol clapped his hands in approval and everyone group hugged.

"But" Lay added.

Now everyone is nervous.

"Suho's expecting a kiss from me while I was healing him few days ago." Lay teased.

Everyone laughed and pushed their leader next to the healing unicorn, Lay. Suho ran away and everyone followed him to the beach.

Only EXOPLANET has this very nice beach called "Black Pearl". It was named after a legendary mermaid who instead of crying a white pearl cries black.

"I wonder if we could find a real black pearl under the sea." Xiumin murmured. "Let's go and find one." Chen invited and pulled Xiumin to the water.

When they reached the undermost part of the sea there was a robot hiding behind the big corals. It grabbed Xiumin's foot so he can't go back to the shore.

"What's taking them so long? They must be here at this time." Kai murmured. "I'll look for them." Suho dived into the water.

Chen and Xiumin were fighting against the robot but they were both running out of air. "Chen I can't take it anymore." Xiumin pointed his nose and waved his hands to Chen.

Chen tried to kick the robot away but it held their feet even more. He blinked his eyes and from the clouds came a thunder that hit the robot but there's no effect.

Suho came just in time and enclosed the robot inside a bubble. It collapsed and died as if it was a fish running out of breath.

* * *

"It's a sea robot. It lives under the water so basically it will die when brought out from the water." Suho explained while looking at the dead robot.

"Shall we take that robot home for further experiments?" D.O suggested. "Fine. You do the dissecting." Kai chuckled.

"Could it be one of RF-05's minions? He might be using it as a spy camera." Xiumin told them and froze the robot so it won't be able to run away if it is still alive. "We don't know if this robot is just playing dead."

They enjoyed their outside dinner at the beach. Baekhyun provided the lights through small firefly-like lights. Chanyeol grills the barbeque with one touch and giving them a perfect cooked meat.

Suho gives them the water. Xiumin makes the ice cubes for the drink. Kai uses his power to teleport from the beach to their house and back to the beach again. "I took some blankets and more meat and side dish." he chuckled.

Chen suddenly felt very cold, "Xiumin-hyung, are you using your powers right now? I feel so cold."

"No. I'm not." Xiumin told him. "You feel cold? I'll give you a warm hug." Chanyeol offered him a hug but even he felt cold when he touched Chen.

"Yah! You're so cold. What's happening to you?" Chanyeol panicked. Chen frowned, "I don't know. I can't feel anything anymore."

Lay held Chen's hand, "I'll try to heal you."

Chen started to become pale and his body temperature is dropping. "Why can't I heal him?" Lay murmured.

"I'll bring him to MAMA." Kai suggested. "I am worried to hyung too."

* * *

They all went to the laboratory. "Something is injected to Chen." MAMA told them. "It's a virus that will make your temperature drop until you're dead."

"Could it be that it came from this robot?" Xiumin showed MAMA the robot.

When they looked at the parts of the robot, they found the virus that was injected to Chen through its metal pointed fingers.

"The robot grabbed our foot but how come I didn't have it?" Xiumin asked. "Because you have the power of frost hyung." Baekhyun replied.

"So how do we save Chen?" they all said in chorus.

"Even I don't know how. Let's just wait for his time. That's all I could say now." MAMA told them and left.

"No! We can't just let him go like this! We have to do something. We have to save Chen!" Xiumin punched the wall behind them and made it frost.

* * *

No one slept that night. They were all looking after Chen who is having a hard time breathing. He's lying on Chanyeol's lap and wrapped with four layers of comforter.

"Chen-hyung try to speak. Talk to us." D.O said. Chen blinked his eyes, "I'll be okay. You guys should sleep now." he murmured.

"Don't tell us to sleep. You know we won't." Suho said.

"Do you want me to tell exactly how I feel now? I feel cold. I can't move. It feels like I just wanted to stay like this forever because it hurts when I move." Chen slowly said.

Suho stood up and went to MAMA's office. "I know there is a way! Letting him die is not the answer!" he exclaimed.

MAMA grinned, the back of his chair is facing EXO's leader. "You're right. There is a way. But are you ready to risk your life for your members?"

Suho gulped but kept his head high. "I will do it for EXO."

"It's not you. It's for Xiumin." MAMA said. "Ask him to come here alone."

Suho came back and asked Xiumin to help him in the kitchen. They had a private talk and the leader told Xiumin to go to MAMA's office.

* * *

Xiumin knocked before entering.
"Are you sad right now?" MAMA asked. "No. I'm curious right now. Right at this moment. Why did you call for me?" he replied.

"Good. I want to let you know that since you are the reason why this happened to him, you will then be the only way to save Chen." MAMA said. He turned around and looked at Xiumin.

"I will give you this task that you have to complete before the sunrise. Only you can do this."

"Tell me now. We don't have time. I will do it. No matter what. I have to save Chen. This is my mistake. I have to fix this." Xiumin said boldly.

"Fine. This is your task." MAMA took a fortune cookie and gave it to him.

"There is this one cave where only you could see the bottle made from ice that contains a melted snowflake." Xiumin read the paper.

"Let Chen drink the water from the bottle. Only if you do find it until 5 a.m." MAMA said.

Xiumin went to look for the cave immediately after reading the paper. "I have to save Chen." he thought.

Suho watched Xiumin from the balcony. "You can do it. I trust you Xiumin-hyung."

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