EPISODE 14: The Fourth War

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MAMA finally placed the black orb of darkness inside Baekhyun's body.

Baekhyun tossed and turned wildly on the bed and kept screaming in pain. His eyes glowed icy blue and his chest starts to hurt so much. "I have to save EXO." Baekhyun thought to ease the pain he's feeling.

MAMA held him close and let him watch the cruelty of the Red Force to EXO on TV. "Watch this so you could successfully create the eclipse." he whispered in his ears, "Use all the darkness you have in your heart."

Baekhyun cried while watching his family being killed slowly one by one. "This is a bloody war Baekhyun, I know you don't want this to happen but it has to." MAMA said.

* * *

Luhan stepped his one foot on Sehun's head and looked down on him, "Did you miss your hyung?" he teased while putting pressure in it. Sehun looked up with a tear in his eyes, "I thought we're best friends? How could you do this to me?"

"We're not best friends anymore Sehun. Now go and kill yourself." Luhan commanded. Sehun didn't know how his weak body could still stand up and continue to walk towards a sharp rusty metal.

He tried to hold on to anything he could see that could stop him from walking, "Somebody please help me." Sehun's grip losen up and his pace became faster and if no one would stop him now, he will die soon.

Kai came to block Sehun's way. He held both of his shoulders and stood in front of him. "Thank you." Sehun whispered while tears crawling down his cheeks.

Kai flashed a warm smile, "It's ok. I'm here. Stop crying baby Hun." he teased.

Suddenly Sehun's feet started to go on walking again. Their eyes widened. Kai tried to stop him but the force of Luhan's power is stronger.

Kai pulled Sehun away from the metal but he kept going on the same way. As Sehun steps forward, Kai steps backward.

Kai remained in front of Sehun until he got his back stabbed by the rusty metal, "I'm not letting you die." He smiled and ruffled the maknae's hair, "It's okay Sehun. At least it's not you. Don't forget to pray for our hyungs every night okay?"

"Nooo! Kai!" Sehun screamed. He took Kai's body away from the metal and blood gushed at his back. He hugged him tight, "Don't leave us!"

Lay saw what happened. He's smiling in front of them but at the same time something deep inside him makes him cry and wanted to scream violently.

* * *

The moon shone brightly that night. The battlefield became more bloody.

RF-05 kept shooting the EXO members again and again until they couldn't stand up anymore.

"Master, it's already full moon but nothing's happening to you. If you got all their powers, you must be transforming into something greater right now." Tao said.

"Could it be that we're missing an orb?" Kris asked. "I don't have the power orb of light!" RF-05 exclaimed. "Baekhyun has it! Get his orb now!"

"You're too late RF-05! The power orb of Light is already gone!" Baekhyun stepped out from the laboratory and laughed.

Baekhyun gestured as if he's holding the moon in his hands. He slowly turned it like a crystal ball until the bright light between his palms turn into darkness.

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