Must have been the Wind

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My wattpad is currently having a software gore. XD

Anyway chapter 5 guys! Enjoy.

Sorry for the long update, at least I'm alive (?)

Chapter V : Must have been the Wind


Philippines was dress so casually from the usual and professional look she had when the other girl came to her house.

Just a long white shirt and her slippers, ofcourse her undergarments and bandages.

She was wearing glasses and her hair was in knots and messy, like she was woken up judging by her rubbing her eyes.

When she realized that they were there, her eyes went wide and she slammed the door shut.

They sweatdropped and knocked loudly at the door.

"Philippines, let us in! It's okay, you don't have to dress up, we just came to visit!" Hungary said as the rummaging inside the house stop and went silent.

The door opened little, and you could see Philippines peaking a bit of her face out before she opened the door while hiding her body behind it.

They entered, but not before she looked at their shoes and noticed the look she was giving and took it off, and grabbed the slippers placed at the shoe rack she pointed at.

She leaded them to the living room at the ground floor, and they sat down.

There was Belarus, with her usual scowl. Lictheisien with her happy personality. Hungary with her motherly and lady like self with Ukraine and big.. melons.

"Is there anything you would like? Water? Tea?" Philippines asked ready to go to the kitchen.

"A-ah! If you don't mind me helping, I would like tea." Hungary said as Philippines nodded and looked at the others.
Lictheisien asked for orange juice, coffee for Ukraine and Belarus but only black.

And in all honesty, the girls could have sworn they have heard a sob, but when they asked her what was that, she said with a smile;

"It must have been the wind."

ηαrrατⅰοη | hεταιⅰα ρhⅰιιⅰρⅰηεs Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora