Boy In The Bubble

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Chapter VIII : Boy In The Bubble


Ah, that walk of pity and pain, oh she knew all too well.

Philippines knew that what happened in the past was as real as it gets. After all, that snitch America couldn't keep him damn mouth shut.

Angry and frustrated at the looks of sympathy and pity, she tched under her breath and left the room before it even began, going to the door and slamming it shut once she was out of the room, causing the door to rattle upon impact.

Walking away from the door, she began her way to her car, and left the place almost immediately.

Stopping her car at cemetery, she got out closed her door slowly, and gently. All too calm now to be angry.

Walking to a near flower shops, she bought everlasting flowers and lillies, and went to cemetery, holding the flowers gently in her hands.

Upon the area, it looked, like an average cemetery, but somewhere, where a forest lies, a path for a secret only known by her was accesable to those who had knowledge of it.

As she walked the path, a sense of sadness came to her like a violent wave at the ocean, nearly taking her down. Her eyes glazed over, tears starting to form, hands slowly shaking as she got closer to her destination.

She soon reached it, and upon seeing it, she nearly sobbed.

She bit her lip and got closer to the grave, putting the flowers she bought beside the resting tomb. And as if her heart have out, so did her legs.

Kneeling to the ground as she grasped the grass below as tears started falling down like rain, she shook and sobbed as quiet she could; her heart couldn't take it.

Why can't she die? Why be cursed with such life?

Oh, answers she wished she knew, then maybe she'd feel contented with herself, having no internal conflicts with herself.

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