Hogwarts 4

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Please read the AN at the end x

Around 1pm we were ready to go shopping. I'm not really sure where I'm meant to be getting the things on the list Hecate gave me, no mortal -I mean muggle- shop shop will sell this.
Mrs Weasley wants to go to a place called Diagon Ally.
I walked into the kitchen where everyone had gathered. "Percy dear, did lady Helen give you any money?" I shock my head but then I thought of the key I was given. I held it up for them to see.
"She gave me this, she said I would need it. Some sort of ID or something I think" I hand her the key and she studies it.
"Looks like a key to Gringotts bank. I'm guessing you have money waiting for you there" I nodded my head and take back the key. After that she walked over to the fire place and pickd up a flower pot.
"Okay, Harry you first." e took a handful of green sand an stepped into the fireplace.
"Wait! If anyone asks, I'm an American exchange student. That's my cover story. No one can know I am half god." They nodded their heads and Harry scoffed at the words 'half god' and then he flamed away. Each of us followed suit and stepped out of another fire place in a tavern called The Leaky Cauldron. I followed Mr Weasley out the back door. He tapped his wand on the brick wall and the bricks magically moved to form an arch way. The wizards were looking at me expectantly, don't get me wrong, it was cool but I've seen a lot in my 18 years. It didn't really surprise me. After a moment of me doing nothing, they looked at away and stepped through the doorway.

It opened up to a long, crowded ally lined with shops. At the end was a massive building that reminded me of the White House.
"We need to go to the bank first" Hermione said. I followed them down to large building and inside I was treated by goblins.
As soon as I stepped in, the room fell completely silent. I'm guessing that doesn't usually happen because our little shopping group glanced at me. We quickly made our way to the goblin at the head of the room. Harry opened his mouth to speak but the goblin beat him too it. "Mr Jackson! It is an honour to meet you!" He squeaked
"It's nice to meet you too." He asked me for my key and when I presented him with my tiny key I had received in the throne room on Olympus, he almost fainted.
"So it is true!" I didn't ask what he meant by that because he had ushered me into the cart filled with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione.
"Miss granger has converted muggle money already. First we'll go to the Weasley vault; then the Potter vault and finally the Olympian vault." I'm guessing mine is the Olympian vault as I'm the only person who want personally named. Plus it would make sense for it to be mine.
After a 2 minute ride, the Weasleys entered their vault and filled their pockets. Another 5 minutes in the cart we reached Harry's vault. Everyone stepped out but the goblin kept me in. "Mr Jackson, you vault is all the way down - in Lord Hades realm. I do not think it's wise that they follow. Lord Hades might not let them leave like he does you." I nod my head and explain to the wizards that they can not follow. Harry seemed annoyed and suspicious that I was hiding something but before I could reassure him, we sped away.

Outside the vault, I was greeted by hades himself. "Uncle" I said bowing my head to him slightly. He greeted me with a Perseus. I shot him a glare for that. He had a grim look on his face like he wasn't happy with something.
"Percy, at Hogwarts, there's a lot of unregistered ghosts. If you could just scare them slightly, so they register themselves?" He asked me. Obviously I accepted this little side quest: collect the unregistered ghosts to visit Hades. Then he handed me a whistle, like the one I got for Mrs O'Leary. I'm guessing that wasn't the bit that was bringing him down because he still looked saddened. "Percy, to open your vault you have to answer painful, personal questions" REALLY? What's with all the personal questions! 
I said okay okay he pressed the key to the door and then the door spoke.
"What did you promise Nico Di Angelo before the quest to rescue Lady Artemis?" Great. Bring up the one promise I couldn't keep.
"I promised to protect his sister." Then the vault unlocked. It was filled to the roof. I filled a pouch each for wizard money; mortal money and the money of The gods.
I nodded a thanks to Lord Hades and we made our way up to pick up everyone at Harry's vault. When I got their they were angry.
"You took ages! It's freezing here!" Ron whines like a little girl.
"Sorry, it takes ages to open that vault" I said rolling my eyes. Everyone squished into the cart and we rode back up to the top.

We left at 1:00 and it was already quarter to 2 when we left Gringotts For the next hour, I was following Harry, Hermione and Ron around buying my books and robes. I decided against buying a pet, I already had a hellhound and a Pegasus. 
We had just entered A wand shop because Harry and Ron both needed new Wands. Apparently theirs broke in the last battle. When we walked in, we were greeted by an old man with thinning grey hair. "Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and..." he trailed of and studied me. "Who might you be? He asked. I'm glad that not everyone knew who I was. That would blow my cover.
"I'm Percy Jackson sir, it's nice to meet you." He seemed pleased with my manners. I'm kinda used to treating people like royalty - having half my family being gods and goddesses.
"Ron and I need new wands, ours broke in the war." He said quite rudely. The man didn't seem to mind though, I'm guessing he expected that Harry would be stressed after the war.
"Yes, Yes" here try these.

20 minutes later, Harry and Ron had new wands. Harry's was unicorn hair and pine wood and Rons was dragon heartstring and oak wood. Then the old wand maker turned to me.
"Have you got a wand? I remember every customer and I have never seen you before."
"I've got a wand thankyou" I say. Harry and Ron look surprised. I'm a demigod, with a wand but no other supplies.
"Well let's see it then!" Harry says expectantly. I roll my eyes and pull out my wand.  The tip of the wand was a vanilla drift wood colour that slowly turns more ocean blue the closer it gets to the handle of the wand. Waves were engraved into it and it felt balanced in my hand, the same way riptide did - I bet no other stick would feel this balanced. This was the first time i had really admired it. It looked 100 times better than Ron and Harry's dark brown wands. The man looked at it in awe. And he shakily said "What's it's core?"
"I don't know, I was never told." He looked confused.
"Who sold you the wand?" He asked me another question. What is with wizards and their security questions?
"Lady Helen designed it specially for me" I said. That was true. She said on Olympus that it was made for me.  At those 7 words, he nearly fainted. He took a shaky breath. And held out his hand for my wand. I reluctantly gave it to him and he closed his eyes after a moment of concentration he gave me back the wand.
"So much power" he muttered quietly. I heard him though. Then he gained his composure slightly.
"This wand is made from 1000 year old driftwood. It has a large combination of cores I have never heard of before. It has a core of lightning; hippocampus scale; peacock feather; thestral hair; ray of sun; pure Olympian silver; a grain of wheat; grape vine; veela hair and olive skin. 10 cores!" I'm guessing that's a lot because Harry and Ron only got 1 core. It was getting really awkward, him just looking at me so I said thankyou and walked out the shop with Harry and Ron trailing behind.

Hey guys! I know I'm coming out with a lot of excuses. I was meant to have finished this chapter by 5ish today.
I had a gymnastics competition and I ended up going to hospital because I fractured my ankle and tore my Achilles. I'm at the hospital now but I've been in X-ray and stuff all day. I've got a massive ankle boot on and I have crutches. Sorry for this being late but I was kinda worrying about never being able to do gymnastics again. Anyway, I suddenly have a lot of free time so I'm guessing updates will be a lot more often X

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