Cabinet Battle #2 - George Washington x reader (PRT 1)

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I attend to my brother's Cabinet Meeting. I was in the front row, waiting for it to start. George Washington - one of my closet friends - comes out. He speaks.

"The issue on the table: France is on the verge of war with England." He states. "Do we provide aid and our troops for our allies or stay out of it? Remember, my decision on this matter is not subject to congressional approval. The only person who have to convince - is me. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir."

I turned to Alexander and I's enemy since the beginning. Thomas Jefferson.

"When we were on death's door, when we were needy. We made a promise - we signed a treaty. We needed money and and guns and half a chance. Who provided those funds?" He starts.

"France." Madison replied. I glare at him, but he just shrugs with a smirk.

"In return, they didn't ask for land. Only a promise that we'd lend a hand and stand with them if they fought against oppressors. The revolution is messy, but now is the time to stand!"

I hear cheers from the crowd. I roll my eyes, I could tell Alexander was about to has a fit. But, he had a worried look on his face. I turn to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I didn't finish my speech.." He whispered. "I don't know what to say."

"Huh, that's the first."

"Shut up!" He said. "Please, I need help."

I think for a moment before it comes to mind. "I got it." I say. "Just go with the flow, okay?"

I hear Jefferson finish off the speech with insulting my brother. Smells like new money? Dresses like fake royalty? Oh hell nah-

I suddenly hear Washington speak. "Thank you Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton, your response."

I stand up. The audience looks to me, surprised. Washington's face looks shocked, Jefferson was holding in laughs.

"[name]?" He asks. "Would you like to add something?"

"Yes I would, sir." I say. "I'll be filling in for my brother."

"Wh-" Jefferson gets caught up. Washington's face softens, as if to think. Jefferson notices. "Mr. President! You're not seriously going to let this happen! This-This [woman/man/person] doesn't even have a place in office!"

Washington pauses before speaking. "I'll let it slide. Go on, [Mr./Ms/other] Hamilton."

"*achem*." I clear out my throat. I stare at Jefferson. People were telling me to go. The speech pops to mind.

"You must be out of your GOD DAMN MIND Jefferson, why don't you tell that idea to another person? Oh wait - no one would listen, they'd just reach for their ammunition." I start.

"When you spend one life - you cost another. You may be surprise that I'm speaking for my brother, but for once I want you to just listen - people won't sign up for this war like a petition! And hey, no offense to our people, but right now we would be squashed like a beetle! That treaty we signed? The King for it is dead. You wanting to go to war is like a wish for your deathbed-"

"Enough! Enough!" Washington cuts in. "Hamilton is right-"

"But sir-" Jefferson tries to speak up, only to be cut off.

"We're too fragile to start another fight!"

"But sir, do not we fight for freedom?"

"Yeah, when the French figure out who's gonna lead them!"

"The people are leading-"

"-The people are rioting! There's a difference! Frankly, it's a little disquieting." Washing says. "You would let your ideals blind you from reality. Hamilton?"

"Sir?" Alexander and I say. He looks surprised, but then shakes his head.

"Draft a statement of neutrality." Washington says, pointing to my brother. Alexander leaves the room with a pen and paper. Jefferson walks up to me.

"Did you forget Lafayette?" He asks.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Have you an ounce of regret?" He asks again. "Alexander and you accumulate power - accmulate debt - but yet in their hour of need, you forget."

"Lafayette's a smart man, he'll be fine." I answer. "And before he was your friend, he was mine."

"So quick witted."

"Alas, I admit it."

"I bet you were quite a lawyer."

"My defendants got acquitted."

"Yeah?" He said. "Someone should remind you."

"What?" I ask firmly.

"You're nothing without your dear Washington behind you."

I blush deeply. We were just friends, why would Jefferson think that?

"[name]!" Washington called out. Jefferson smirks.

"Daddy's calling." He says before walking away.

Jefferson was a dick in this one

Oh wait he's always a dick

Wait what

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