Drunk - Lafayette x tsundere!female!reader

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Today was my first day in New York. I had recently moved from my hometown and gotten a job at a local tailor shop, which was really cool. I didn't have much from my hometown, but whatever I did have a put in a few boxes. I brought up the literal two boxes I had for living in my new apartment. I was on the 8th floor of the building, so I had a nice view. I'm getting off the elevator when I see a man covered in freckles passed out on the floor. I turn the corner hesitantly to see a tall man passed out in front of my door I set down the boxes and start poking him with my keys. He groans.

"Merde." He mutters, turning over. He was apparently French or speaks it. I only know this because my parents made me study French.

"Sir?" I ask. He looks at me.

"What heaven am I in to see you, ma belle dame?" He asks, smirking while his eyes were half lidded. I groan, almost blushing.

"Sir, you passed out in front of my door." I say as I stand. "And I just moved here, so this is not a good sign."

"It is for me, mon amour." He says, laying on his back while he rests his head on his hands. "My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette. But-"

"It's nice to meet you, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette." I say, pronouncing every word right. "Now would you kindly step away from my door?"

His eyes widens and he sits up. "You speak French?"

"Fluently." I say calmly. "Now kindly step away from my door or I will call the police."

He widens his eyes. "Mon amour s'il vous plaît n'appelez pas la police, je vous en prie!"

To roughly translate, he said not to call the police and that he begs me not to.

"Step away now and I won't." I say, crossing my arms. He instantly gets up.

"What's your name, mon amour?" He asks.

"[name]. [name] Washington." I say, picking up my boxes, unlocking my door and going in. He widens his eyes and I shut the door
Part two will come!

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